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As we rode back to Aridia City for the final celebrations, all I could think about were the man's words

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As we rode back to Aridia City for the final celebrations, all I could think about were the man's words. What could he possibly mean by "Be prepared"? Could it be a threat? I knew half of the Aridians hated my guts but I never thought they'd actually want to hurt me...

"Lady Madeline, are you alright?" Imogen asked, her eyebrows furrowed together in concern.

I shook my head, as if clearing my thoughts. "Nothing, just tired of this stupid tour."

"It'll all be over soon enough," Imogen sighed. "Aridia City is the last stop."

Ironically, as soon as Imogen had spoken, the carriage had pulled into the wide streets of Aridia City. If I'd thought the celebrations in Febing were grand, Aridia City was something else entirely.

Red and black streamers hung from stores and houses, the streets filled to the brim with Aridians, dressed in their finest attire, grinning from ear to ear as the royal carriages rode past.

"Long live King Amancio!" The crowd yelled, waving balloons and Aridian flags.

The admiration the residents of Aridia city seemed to have for Amancio and The Dark Lords was bordering creepy.

Vendors and stores were open, selling everything ranging from apples to Aridian themed cupcakes. My mouth watered upon sight, as I hadn't eaten since our journey began the night before.

The crowds of citizens gathered, peering into the carriages, before the Royal Guard pushed them further away.

"Queen Madeline," A guard appeared at my window, startling me. It was Richard. "King Amancio has allowed you to visit the vendors, provided I keep watch and make sure no harm comes to you."

"That's...nice of him, I guess," I muttered, carrying my skirts as I stepped out of the carriage.

The hot midday sun shone brightly, threatening to burn me alive. I felt extremely uncomfortable and silently cursed Imogen for making me wear a corset. I could feel tiny beads of sweat breaking through my skin, as Aridians laughed and sang, walking past me. I felt like I would faint.

"Your Highness? Are you ready?" Richard enquired. I didn't like any Dark Lord, talk less of the guards who helped overtake the country, but Richard was a breath of fresh air from my previous brute of a guard- Brutus.

As my stomach grumbled, all I wanted was a honey glazed scone.

"A honey glazed scone for the Queen," Richard said, to the smallish old woman who owned the bakery. It smelt like all things sweet, though the heat from the oven towards the back of the store did not help matters.

"I have to tell you, Your Highness, I'd been following The Choice since Day 1 and I knew you'd end up with a crown on your head- one way or another," She smiled at me as she put the scones in a paper bag.

The Consequence: Sequel to The ChoiceWhere stories live. Discover now