6th Grade shenanigans

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Back then when I was a very extrovert but shy little girl, I'd always get at least a plently amount of friends to be with for the whole school year. Like, every school year, I'd always automatically have a group of friends that are the ones who I'm gonna be with for the whole year.

At 6th grade, I got a group of friends. They were a fun pile, like, a very interesting pile. I'm not quite about this one guy if he was a part of our group, but we sure as hell aren't his main go-to group. He's the type of guy that's just friends with some of the people in the group, and so he hangs out sometimes with us.

This guy. I'll name him Vince. He's the typical brat in the class. The one who's always scolded, always caught in trouble, and always causes a butt load of trouble.

In our group, one of the guys, let's name him Marc. He's a soft sweetheart. The kind of guy that would give you his snack even though he's hungry and that snack was his favorite, but he gave it to you anyway. He brims with sweetness and just pure wholesomeness, heckin precious boi right there.

So. If you haven't gotten the clue yet, I'll just have to state the obvious.

These bois fought over me.

Take note that we are a bunch of.. idk, 12 or 13 year old kids. So these crap isn't something that came out of a wattpad love story, alright?

These are so hilarious and so ridiculous that I just can't help but look back on it over and over.

Alright, so.

It started with Marc. We've been in the group together for a few months now, and he's the one I mostly got really close to. He'd talk to me about games- which are his favorites. Pokemon and Fnaf are the main topics of his gushing, and me being the simple girl who just gets along with whatever, is alright with it.

The next following days, he's been doing lots of stuff for me. He buys me candies, drinks, and some stuff you can buy on the big fair outside our classes. It was around the upcoming anniversary of the school, so there were some little stores by the big spaces outside the buildings of our classrooms.

My other friends noticed this and has been giving me the lenny face whenever Marc gives me stuff. I thought it's just typical Marc being the sweet boi that he is, and thought nothing more.

That is, when I found a little piece of paper in my bag. That read: "Alavoo" or something else that's incomprehensible.

I was confused and I was analyzing the note with all of my 12 year old brain cells.. when I noticed Marc with his head down on his table. He seemed like he was sleeping.. or hiding.

I asked him if he'd seen someone open my bag and put the note in it, but he terribly lied and said no, said that he saw no one.

Sooo, I didn't want to get into the crap and just shrugged it off as an accident.

Then lately, a few days after, Vince came up to me and asked about what I want. I was confused and really lost at the random question. Lately, Marc was buying me some stuff and I had no idea why our class delinquent would give a fuck about it.

I told I wanted a book that I saw on one of the stalls and he was like: "Okay, I'll buy it for you."


w h a t ?

I grew up to be a barely spoiled girl, I'd be fine with whatever. You can gift me a perfume that made me smell like an antique and I'd be hyped about it.
So the fact that he just told me he'd spend an actually quite expensive money for a 12 year old kid to afford is a big no-no for me. I told him thanks but no thanks, yet he insisted.

So that was suspicious for me, but I shrugged it off.

Until, one day.

It was the end of the school day and we were all returning our books and other stuff to our lockers. At that time, I had a lot to put back. Like, a lot. The kind of "a lot" that a little girl like me would nervously chuckle because this is a lot of work and my skinny arms couldn't handle this much work kind of "a lot".

I turned to Marc- who sat beside me and was half done returning his stuff- and asked: "Can you help me-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Marc launched for my stack of books while Vince came out of nowhere and snatched my pile of notebooks and rushed to my locker.

I sat there on the floor, lost. Then Marc rushed back and asked for my key- he looked like a criminal, demanding for my wallet as he did. When I handed my lockey key, he bolted back and shoved Vince aside to open my locker.

The lockers were at the back of the classroom, so I can kinda see them squished against each other, and so I went there and check out what the frickledy frack is happening.

They were squeezed against each other, yelling things like:
"That's not how she'd put it there!"
"You're messing it up, I'll do it!"
"Do you even know where to put that!"

It was so ridiculous that I laughed my ass off while my other friend- whose locker was beside mine- was also yelling at them to cut it out and settle in a less, chaotic way.

After that, Vince and Marc had clearly shown that they have a crush on me. Marc would bring me sweet treats and Vince would bring me rootbeer- 'cause it was my favorite softdrink at the time.

I never even bragged about it, never took advantage of their willingness to do whatever for me, and I never got to choose who I'd be with.

Though my friends rooted for Marc since I was closer to him and honestly, I would choose him if I didn't see him as just a friend and nothing more-

But yeah, there's... that.

Quick side story:
Oh, there's this one part of the school year where our homeroom teacher switched the arrangement of our seats.
Unfortunately, all my friends- including Marc- was seated altogether on the left side of the classroom, while I got seated on the right side, and next to Vince.

And he was still hitting on me that time.

One time, we required a paper for a test and he barely had a paper AND a frickin ballpen, so I had to lend him those things.

I joked:
"Wow, you don't have anything."

And he replied:
"I have you."
with a smug grin.

But no, Marc best boi.

Vince even lost interest on me a little later and fell harder on one of my friends instead.

So yeah, Marc best boi.


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