sister-in-law not

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I have no idea if for those who has siblings ever deal with their partners, but I sure as hell am just had to check this fucker off my list or else, I'm fucked.


Sissy here keeps on simping for her disgusting bastardization of a brother- whom she calls 'Teddy bear'- every time shit happens.

"Ah wait, dude. One of our cats fucking shat in the bathroom-"

"YoU shOuLd gO cLeAn iT inStEAd of Him, bRo! He'S aLWAYs tHe onE dOiNg aLL tHe woRk thERe eVery sIngLe daY!"

"..what? Bro, I was just about to tell you I'm gonna go clean it u-"

"YoU aLWAyS doDgE tHeSe siMPLesT reSpOnsIbiLItiEs, nO woNder hE cALLs yOu aN idIot anD a duMb aSs!"

OoOOookay, let's back the fuck up.

First of all, the lil-dicked fucker doesn't do that much shit around here! He's just the one who helps with some repairs and basic chores, and sidenote for 'repairs', he barely fucking lends a hand on dad until he starts getting so goddamn frustrated that I had to call his cocky ass.

I had to fucking alibi my way out before I flipped the table towards her. I know- and I've learned- that I shouldn't talk to anyone when I'm in a mood that wants to literally go on a rampage, throw anything anywhere and shit.

I don't know- and I don't care- if I've mentioned this, but I'm in enough shit to get all cautious about it.

The guy's a fucking pervert.

No, not the anime bullshit. He's literally a practical rapist, alright?

He's done so many fucked up shit to me that might've made the most numb person squirm at the thought of it.


After I did my chores, I went back- probably begrudgingly- to chat with the bitch. Note that she's an only child, and when she told me this, I almost want to spam a shit ton of "Fuck you" at her, because I actually thought she understands the situation but she's just a complete simp for him. One of these chats, I told her she's a biased son of a bitch, to which she agreed on, since she admitted that she only knew the tea on his side solely- so that, plus the fact that she doesn't know what it's really like to deal with asshole siblings, makes me want to mute, block, and unfriend her right. fucking. there.

Buuut, I chose to be the less dumb-ass and try to clarify shit to her.

I have to admit, I actually got emotional as I aggressively typed with a tone that says "This is serious shit." while I made sure to keep it focused on the issue and point.

I'm an emotional wreck, doesn't take too much for me to burst into tears, making me the best victim for bullies.

Long story short, I just told her that he's a complete asshole to me every fucking time. He treats her way more fucking different than the way he treats me, so of course she wouldn't know the fucked up shit.

The guy I know is a whole lot different than the one she knows, that's basically it. But I just reminded her that she should know her limits when it comes to fucked up personal shit.

I told her that I respect the fact that she's his partner and shit.
"I hate the guy but I wouldn't fuck up the one thing he cherishes" I said.
I'm an asshole, not a monster.

She apologized for being so oblivious and agreed to keep my reminders and to make sure that not a single word comes outside the conversation we just had. I told her these shit for the sake of her not being a whiny, annoying, simping bitch when that same situation happens again- which I'm sure as hell will. I told her not to spill this tea on that molesting bastard because I made sure that that tea is made for her and her alone. For her to recall when a similar scenario repeated.

Sooooooo I still act like a prick towards her. The hate is still there, of course. I'm an asshole enough to bullshit her through dense jokes, but she's too much of a bipolar-ish bitch to give a damn.

So yep, that happened.

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