lies and half-truths part 1

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mkay, so.
it was another agonizing school day and as far as my cloudy mind can remember, the morning was shitty as hell.

so a friend of mine was absent cause reasons ._. and at the time, she was with an argument with this other... ffffriend of mine.

alright ima skip to the main part.
mkay, so i was busy in my social isolation and the other friend who we shall hide in the name ooof.. fran??
i dont fucking know. up till now, my mind is still spaghetti so deal with it cuz u dont have any other choice.

so Fran here just.. randomly sat beside her *spoiler* temporary seat, and was like: "yo, buddy buns, you remember that one time i kiiiinda left you hanging?" and in my mind, it was - at the moment - spaghetti as well, not because i was high as well, but yeah, like i said, i had a shitty morning. so her giving some tension in my dark ass atmosphere is kinda not my type at the moment, i wasnt in the mood for some intense revelations.

so with suspicions, i was like: "ah yea, i do remember that, you fucking prick. you dont fucking leave me hanging like that, you son of a bi-"
so she asked if it was alright if she could tell right there right now, and i didnt really gave any fucks so i agreed out of highness.

"okay, so uh.. i was told by (my friend's friend's name).. that... (my friend's name) is mad at you."

i sat there, confused.. shocked.. and speechless at the words that came out of her mouth.

alright, so we're gonna hide my friend's name into... derpy, and her other friend shall be named.. child.

so Fran told me that Child told her that apparently, Derpy was mad at me.
now, for the few months of knowing Derpy, she seems to be the open-minded one. not the straight-forward one, that's pretty much different.

she tends to talk about personal shit to me cause at that one moment, she had no one else to go to other than me and some other people. and she seems to be alright with me, she kinda gets all fun with me cuz new friend, and we relate to all of life's bullshit.

so for her to just keep something reeeaaaaally important and something we - the two of us - should talk about seriously, is just shocking.

long story short, i was more depressed and just Fran's lil news report pushed my tears -  which i've been tryna shut the fuck up the whole morning periods - to its edge, and so they came flooding out like waterfalls.

she was taken aback and was prolly like "oh fuck!! wrong timing!!! she's on edge and i added up! fuck shit!!

eh, she'll be fine."

and so she was like: "oh yea, by the way, my eyes suck ass so i gotta change seats, ima go to my new seat now. i guess i feel sorry for ya. peace out!"
and she left me to die.

also,i rushed to the CR and sliced for the very first time in my whole shitty and depressing-as-fuck life.

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