lies and half-truths part 2

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so previously,
i rushed to the CR and sliced for the very first time in my whole shitty and depressing-as-fuck life.

i got back and went to Fran and... god damn it, im gonna have to give another nickname. uh.. Big-Eyes.

so i went to Fran and Big-Eyes becuz for some forgotten reason, i wasnt with my other friends.

and for some reason too, i just.. told Big-Eyes to roll up my sleeves for me - because i was wearing my jacket - and she was pretty shook at it. i mean, other than the fact doing that shit is fucked up, the cuts were aggressively made, out of pure rage and frustration.

as far as i can remember, Fran didnt really give a shit and was just like: "aaa oh no, thats sum bad shit.. you shouldnt have done that, and i shouldnr have told you about it. but i warned you and were cool with it, so half of those cuts are caused by you being a reckless mofo."

and so the day was spent with sheer depression and brutal suicidal thoughts.....

the end

im kidding, no. it doesnt end there.

so the next day, Fran remained beside me cuz she still wants to shittalk... uh, fuck, i already forgot her name.. ah yeah, Derpy.

sooo while we talked, Derpy arrived and... she was avoiding me. man, she didnt even said "hi". nope, just a glance and she left.

i got more fucked and was prolly thinking about jumping off one of the school buildings until she just came to me and was like: "hey dude, lez talk"
and me - being busy drowning in my depressing thoughts - thought: "oh wow, now you're gonna talk to me?! you fucking piece of sHI-" and another thought was like: "ohshitohshitohshit she's finally talking to me!! oh my fucking gosh, there's still hope!!!"

long story short, she wasn't mad at me.
at all.
she got pissed when i mentioned Fran and Child telling her that she hates me and all that jazz.

she explained all the mumbo-jumbo to me, and it turns out, she was just hating my depressing bullshittery.

you see, she just got out of the dark hole and is now enjoying life, while im stuck there and dying. so basically, she doesnt like all the negative vibes im giving whenever im depressed.

she thought that it might and or would've sound mean, since it obviously includes my personal shit and the prob that i should stfu abt being depressed.

we made up, and we good.

now, Fran and i are also good
im also now friends with Child, he's a really great guy. relatable but can be a retard cuz he's been thru bullshit and got out of that tunnel shit like my pal Derpy.

i guess it's my turn to escape that tunnel of shit.....

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