drunk pops

10 5 0

alright, so.
i dunno why im doing this rn.

in the car.
at 12:30 am.
with my drunk-as-fuck dad.

oh well, what better way to die than a typical car crash accident?

anyways, if ya'll reading my MBs, you might now about my dad's shenanigans, specially when he's drunk.

he'd offer us to go to a drive-thru, mostly- k, wait. hold on.

(it's now 1:36 am and gotta do lots of shit so i had to pause for a 'minute')

ok, so.
one thing about my dad is that he's a driver, and since there are certain and specific times where he takes or brings home the car he uses, and so he takes advantage of that - not in a bad or malicious way by the way - and offers us - mostly when he's completely and entirely drunk, wasted as they may call it - for a drive thru.

and this being another one of those examples. im not sure if im gonna complain about it, but then again, it's one of those "once-in-a-lifetime-
opportunities" where it's basically a "take it or leave it" decision-making.

it was fun and all... well, could've been more fun if my dickhead of a bro isn't with us.

honestly, why he gotta be so goddamn hostile with me!?! he's always pissed at me just cause! hell, ironically, he's the very pissed one when im on my period. like, whenever it's that time of the month wherein he just brutally snaps at everyone, my mom and i would know that my period is coming.

so right now, im watching some of my downloaded videos while eating some french fries my sweet, dearest brother so wholeheartedly fought for with some coke float, my very fave.

wait, this is supposed to be about my dad being derpy cuz he's drunk. why the fuck am i talking about that asswipe?

ok, so.
basically, my dad gets drunk. so his mind is obviously spaghetti, most of the time, he'd ask us like: "eY fAm, i gOt sOMe mOnEY tO gUcCi sO LeZ gU oN a dRIvE tHrU! c'MOn, LeZ gU eAt!"

and we'd - most of the time - get dragged along his lil agenda aaaand i guess i'd both be eager and uncertain about it siiince the reason is obvious.

one, he's drunk.
two, it's late (like, night).
three, he's gonna drive.
and four, he's with us.

if he's drunk... and late at night,
he's gonna drive, with his fam...
if he derps out out of.. being drunk,
he could get in trouble...

but of course, that wouldn't happen~

that's all, it's 2:06 am and im still not finished with my food soooo im finish it! k bai! wuv you all~♡

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