david and goliath

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This recap will be momentarily get distracted by side rants and cursing, so hold your patience tightly because my whining and complaining might just be more annoying than any other annoying person you know.

Aight, so this is just, like, a year or two ago- I don't fucking care, really. All I know is that just the thought of anything related to this fuckery fills my anger more than any thirsty bitches out there.

This is just one of the itty-bitty cages of hell that I imprison, so believe it or not, there's more of these fuckers, hun.

So! Let's get started, shall we?

It was highschool and long story short, it wouldn't be much of a pain if that little shit remained in her old school. Honestly, if I were to narrate this whole bullshit entirely, you might not wanna continue reading from here.

Because the whole school year IS the fuckery.

So an old friend- "FRIEND" of mine whom I shall call goliath (because she's all height and no bite) got interested in one of the new students whom I shall name as david (because she may be smol and from the looks of it, weak. she's fucking persistent and is a pain in the ass to Saul, who's me at the fucking moment).

Given the fact that SHE is the one who wanted to engage in friendship, she wanted ME to approach the little devil with her. Actually, she's not a devil, I'm the only fucking demon reigning this hellhole. She's a little fucking troublemaker, and as much as I actually like troublemakers, she's a huge disgrace and disappointment.

So you know when you meet strangers, and get this thought of either "Oh, this dude seems nice." or "Ah shit, this is gonna be a pain."? Yeah, I got the red flag when I met david.

Time skip to meeting another one of the new students whom I'll stupidly nickname as Lulu, she's a nice and relatable buddy. Call it biased, I'll just ignore you, because I can tell what's a burden and what's a hindrance. And Lulu is honestly just a hindrance, the mess that I got involved in claims that statement.

She gave me that sigh of relief, because despite the fact that I haven't known those noobs yet, I know that there's gonna be a 50/50 bullshit coming from afar. Like, you know shit's gonna go down, but you're also sure your knight in shining armor would just swipe you off your feet anytime.

In all sincere honesty, it was paradise.
It felt as though I just plopped myself in the most fluffy bed that ever existed. It was beautiful.

But then, things snapped.

Before I continue, this whole shenanigan is just spoken through my perspective, mine only. This whole war was never brought to peace.

It all began when Lulu asked david to come with her to go somewhere, typical "All for one, one for all" girl shit.

I was too distracted to notice any further details. When Lulu returned, she slammed the door close, and sat somewhere far from us.

I was completely shocked and confused, I asked david what happened and she said she didn't know.

Because she wasn't with her.

I went to Lulu and asked what's wrong. I was met with a cold snarl and I knew this wouldn't be easy. She spat a threat at me that served as a huge red flag. Of course, I have no fucking clue what to do or what to say. I only know david fucked up hard and I might have to be the one to fix this shit, because goliath is a huge pussy, I'm telling you right now.

There was a long period of disappointment and the start of trusts crumbling into a potential avalanche.

The situation was this.
I sticked to the two dickheads, because I wasn't able to talk to Lulu, let alone try to start a convo. The way david and goliath acted.. just ticks me off, because you really know when someone gives the smallest ounce of fuck, from someone who just shrugged this whole shit off like an "Oh well" thing.
Lulu was hanging out with one girl buddy and some guys in our class that are honestly nice and friendly, she barely spoke a word to any of us three after the incident. Though she'd glance every now and then, I noticed all her glances because I really wanted to be friends with her. The duo gives zero fucks and that's just a big kick in the ass for me, cause I thought we'd be a fun little group.

Boy, was I wrong.

Timeskip to the calm before the storm.
It was the start of preparations for the annual celebration of the school's anniversary. There were rides built at the quadrangle and there were several activities to deal with on the way.

When we're finally allowed to ride.. the rides, I told david to go ask Lulu if she could join us. Being the complete bitch that she is, she gave me this.. look that tells you "Ah, she finds it ridiculous and so stupid to the point of visibly showing it in her face.", and at that point, I was determined to sort this shit out. I made her do what SHE had to HERSELF, she obviously did it begrudgingly.

Luckily, Lulu accepted MY offer FROM david.

So! It was once again.. "paradise". But it's not really that much of a paradise, there was this little nagging feeling within me that's like a warning that I continued to ignore. I was desperate for friends and I wanted to make more, but that feeling wasn't helping me feel so hyped and determined to do so.

Now, what happens when you play as a puppeteer in a show with actors that obviously doesn't want to play along?

I'll tell you.

A chain reaction of tragedies.

(to be continued,
lol if ur even fuckin interested)

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