deal with the devil

25 5 2

okay, so.
sem break finally started and im so excited for all the hang outs im gonna have with my friends and family.
apparently, there's already two this week. on monday, hang out with my friends. we're gonna play badminton at a... specific place, i think. on thursday, we're gonna go to a mall and maybe even go ice-skating since it's a weekday, and that ice-skating park shit thingy has some sort of discount during weekdays, so it's a win-win.

i was soooo damn excited cause i wouldnt be so stuck in my house for the rest of the mini-vacation.
what could go wrong?

so last night, while i was in the middle of eating dinner, my drunk ass dad sat near me and he was like:
"hey, since you aint gonna do any important shit this whole lil break of yours, how bout a little deal?"

i honestly give not a single fuck about what he just said after he mentioned i was not gonna do shit when i obviously will. but since he's wasted as fuck right now, i decided not to be a dick and play along.

so he was like: "you do the all laundry for this one whole week, finish it all and not a single clothing is left in the laundry room after the week, and ima give you money each day. but if u asked for help or stopped, all the money u already earned - if u started - will poof out of existence." with a sly grin on his damn face.

i was - of course - taken aback. like, bitch! i just wanna enjoy my goddamn sem break, where the fuck did all this fucking bullshit came from?! outta your flat ass?!?

so i was so triggered and just laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed

and i agreed

basically, there was a fuck load of convincing and persuading and shittalking and intense contemplating

but for some reason, i fucking agreed
why? i told him that the 'allowance' must be two times my daily allowance when for school. he was also taken aback from my lil request. bitch, i aint just gonna accept your bullshit without taking advantages of even the smallest bit in your deal.

he agreed and we confirmed the deal with a.. fucking... pinky promise.

but it doesnt fucking matter. the deal is now settled, if i fuck it up, im done for. i refuse to get so hella broke so im fucking doing is.

next day, i was chatting with friends and saw some parts in the chat including the two hang outs.

after fucking eternity of getting a sensible answer from them, i finally clarified the plans.

it's in the fucking week of the deal.

me, being the serious and refuses to lose to dipshits, was soooo damn ticked and kinda summarized the deal to my friends out of semi-rage.

i've told my parents about me and my friends having a couple of hang outs within the sem break, but they're so fucking bitter and toxic.

they're all: "yea yea yea, whatev, focus on ur goddamn studies." "dont just randomly hang out just cuz u want to!" "prioritize your damn entrance exams! you need them more than anything, you lazy ass piece of shit"

ok but holy fucking shit, calm your fucking tits people! i just wanna have some goddamn fun and you're fucking it all up before it even started!!

alright, i get it. you're my parents and shit, ya'll decide what i need to do with my life. emphasis on "need". guys, lemme have some fucking time for myself! ya'll already dont give that much of shit with my crippling depression and now, you're stopping me to prevent it to come back by hanging out with my other dearest ones?!

anyway, so im just gonna tell them about all this shenanigans we're planning, and if they bitch about it, istg, people gon' die tonight.

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