seesaw mofo

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im pretty sure u guys already know Minecraft, right? u guys may also know Minecraft PE, right?

okay, so!
years and years of switching cellphones and dying cellphones, my bro and i always share that app to each other from time to time.

there's some asking here and there, begging here and there, screeching here and there. but it's pretty much some sort of annual thing- ah, wait no. more like some sort of tradition.

right now, i don't have my MCPE cause i intentionally uninstalled it since that one damn moment, my cellphone was shitting me and it's telling me to delete some shit in my cp because the storage was full.

since i got no more MCPE, and im still a big fan of that game.. knowing the consequences of deleting that game, i surely know, u dungoofed. real bad.

i know that i have to ask and maybe even beg my shitheaded, disgusting, cocky, molesting, retarded older bro to share the app to me. buuuut ofc, knowing that dickhead, it would not be easy....

just this morning, while my mom and that cocksucker was having a nice and normal convo, i decided to give it a shot and just butt in and ask.

what kinda makes the moment less shitty is the motherfucker's reaction.
his expression went from "oh wow, im rly enjoying my nice, normal, human convo with my mom" to "god-fucking-damn it, it's that worthless piece of shit"

after that demonic transformation, he insantly said "fuck no" basically as he turned around and looked away, looking like a 5-year-old having a tantrum. and like the fucking emotional derp i am, i left before that prick could see the hot-as-fuck tears of pure anger - i repeat: p u r e  a n g e r - forming in my eyes as i left mumbling "k".

y'see, i guess i can tell that son of a bitch is never really the cuddly type t me, especially, to me.
hell, he's so damn nice and acts like a fucking blushing highschool girl when he's around his girl. thankfully, she isn't an asshole like him. in fact, she s e e m s  to be a bubbly and adorable best girl that i get along with.

sometimes, i even have this burning desire to ask her "what in the fuck did you ever see in that douchebag?"
but then again, her perspective is hella different from mine, so she obviously wouldn't just say "omfg, he's so cute and husbando material but he can also be dick. it doesn't matter tho cuz i still wuv him~"

he's like a fucking seesaw, man; if he's pissed, im happy. and if im pissed, he's happy. y'know? there's never the right time where we get to balance the damn seesaw or fucking stop the up-ing and down-ing, but there is one, it lasts shorter than bakugou's temper. but yeah, he's a fucking dickhead. acts like one cause he doesn't even seem to have one.

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