Not really an answer.

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*Chapter 14*

Staring at his tangled dread-lock hair, Murry frowned at his reflection. In the bathroom, Kel had added a mirror above the sink. Now, Murry wished he'd not asked for it. He couldn't even comb through his hair. At this point, his half-scruffy beard made him look homeless. Even his eyebrows had grown together over his nose. He rubbed a hand over his face. He had to meet Octnavin, looking like an ape. An ungroomed ape, too.

"What is wrong, Murry-cat?" Kel appeared in the doorway.

"I'm supposed to meet the ruler of the Dagerstanteens, and I look like one of those hairy aliens that tried to eat me." Murry sighed. "I need a haircut and..." He sighed again. "I need a salon."

"Come here." Kel pulled Murry from the bathroom and strolled to the drapes. The Nebos pulled back to the walls. They were afforded the view of Kel's home planet. "Sit."

Murry sat before the window and let Keltrix press him to the floor. He waited for the alien to start to suck on him in some way, but Kel simply sat next to him.

"Do you trust me?"

"No reason to stop now."

"Close your eyes. The Nebos will help you. But you cannot panic. Understand?"

Murry nodded. He'd not panicked around the Nebos other than when he first met them. And even then, he'd kept from jumping on the coffee table.

Closing his eyes, Murry reclined into the fabrics. The Nebos moved around his head and under his chin.

"You are too nervous. It is not necessary." Kel wrapped a tentacle around Murry's hand.

"I'm nervous about meeting your older sibling, not this."

The fabric slipped over his face, eyes, and cheeks. Murry inhaled, and since he could breathe fine, he let the cloth flutter over his mouth and hair.

"Why?" Kel sounded genuinely confused. Clearly, the alien had never had to meet the family of someone he was dating before. Murry wouldn't be able to use that as an analogy. He didn't want to explain dating.

"Have you ever gone to a planet to fight an alien without researching what you're up against?"

"No. That would be foolish."

"Have you ever had a diplomatic mission as a royal and not known who you were meeting or what the customs were?"

"No. That would be unwise."

"But that's what you are asking me to do. You do try to protect me, just like Rhylent said. But in doing so, I lack the knowledge to face an opponent or do my best with your sibling. You are asking me to meet the king of another planet. In space."

"I see your point." Kel brought up an image in Murry's brain. The depiction looked like an alien family photo. In his mind's eye, Murry stared.

"My eldest sibling is the furthest on the right. Octnavinlowzams is the first offspring. We can use him or he as the pronoun if you like."

"Is your father in this picture?"

"We only have a creator. There is no father and mother. Just creator. It only takes one to make a Dagerstanteen. We... it is asexual reproduction. I think your word is parthenogenesis."


Murry went back to the picture. Octnavin was tall like Keltrix. Maybe six feet tall with bulky muscles. His chest was broad, and his thighs huge. His hair was long neon blue tubes to his waist. His tentacles were massive, and his almond-shaped eyes were an ocean green.

An Alien Love: Sex And Space (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now