What's love got to do with it?

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*Chapter 16*

The tentacle around Murry's bicep jug in until the pressure caused an ache. JP swore under his breath as he guided Murry toward Octnavin and Rhylent. Kel either couldn't or wouldn't get up from his knees. He lifted his eyes to Murry and then to his siblings. Murry read his fear, though Kel tried to hide the emotion.

Rhylent took up the spot directly on Murry's left, and JP was still on his right. Octnavin stepped in front of Murry and stared down at him.

"This is the issue?" Octnavin smirked. "This thing?" He shrugged. "You could have just killed it, Rhylent."

"There is something wrong with Keltrix. Our sibling cannot leave it alone." Rhylent explained. "I said we should."

"I'm not it." Murry frowned. "He and I.... We just..."

"He?" Octnavin held up his tentacle.

"The human uses he as the pronoun to describe us." Rhylent shook his head like Murry was the dumbest creature on the planet. Murry could be the dumbest creature on this planet right now.

~You are not dumb. ~

~Thanks, Petey. ~

"Yes. I remember now. No matter." Octnavin rubbed his temples with his middle tentacles. "I will tell you when you are allowed to speak, slave. For now, be silent."

Murry's anger shimmered. So much for Octnavin being a fair leader. He stayed silent and felt Petey flutter with annoyance.

~ This guy is a real... ~ Petey used a word Murry had never heard before. That wasn't even English. Even without knowing it, Murry knew that wasn't nice.

"Slave." Octnavin's eyes narrowed. "How dare you speak to me in such a way? You are not Dagerstanteen, and you are in a precarious position. I am the great ruler."

"He did not say anything." Kel raised his eyes to his oldest sibling. "Please, Octnavin, Murry-cat is gentle and harmless. I have done my duties. I was resting after I was injured."

"Do not go over it again," Octnavin exhaled dramatically. "I can forgive much of what you did. I would even accept if you intended to use this alien as an incubator for your offspring, but you keep this slave for no practical reason."

Murry's mind processed that. Incubator for Kel's offspring? His brain recoiled at the idea. Kel wouldn't use him like that. Would he? They didn't mean for him to carry a baby alien. His eyes flashed around the room to each of the Dagerstanteens and then fell to Kel.

"You can use me to carry your babies?" He involuntarily tugged against the tentacles holding him. He had the urge to run. "I'm not a woman. I can't... I don't have a..."

"I would never use him like that." Kel looked to Murry. "I promise I will never do that. It would kill you."

Murry's eyebrows rose. Incubator sounded damn scary. Having an alien baby probably would kill him. He pictured an alien with tentacles bursting out of his body. The offspring would rip through his chest cavity. What a way to die.

"We could implant offspring inside of you if we wanted to, slave." Octnavin lifted his head like Murry was a silly child. "Although, Keltrixtionlenz is correct. It would kill you."

"That will not happen," Kel soothed. "Look at me, Murry-cat. I will not do that."

"Do you see what I mean?" Rhylent let go of Murry and threw up his tentacles. "This is what I am talking about. This is not Keltrix anymore."

"I see, Rhylent." Octnavin scanned Murry and then Kel. He inhaled and then walked back and forth. "There is something different here. Your attachment is unnatural. You want this human for no real reason I can come up with. You are risking your life for him. You coddle him and care for him. You lie to protect him." Octnavin paced until he came back to stand in front of Murry again. He wrapped a tentacle around Murry's neck. Slowly, the grip began to tighten. Murry struggled for air. Bit by bit, Murry was lifted off the ground. He pushed JP's tentacle off his bicep and started to claw at the tentacle, strangling him. He kicked his legs as his air supply ran short. The hold on him was like a rope of steel.

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