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*Chapter 2*

The conversation brought him out of his unconsciousness. Murry rubbed his eyes and sat upward. Hitting his head on hard metal, he gasped. His eyes popped open.

"I got one. Derbrugs said it was difficult, but he is getting old."

Murry's eyes shot to the voice. A hair-covered creature was speaking to three others. Frozen with fear, the only thing Murry could do was let his eyes take in his surroundings. He wasn't in the house anymore.

The cage Murry had been placed in was against one metal wall. The long room around him had rows of iron crates down both sides with an aisle down the middle. The room smelled of dirty metal and something else he didn't recognize. He sniffed. Blood, but it might be dried and old. His eyes flipped to the floor. Near many of the pens, he noted colored patches of different dried liquids.

Gulping in his panic, he scanned his enclosure and then himself. He was still dressed in his jeans and shirt. A funny-shaped band had been placed around his left forearm. On the plastic, a light with a purple hue blinked at him. As much as Murry's curiosity had him wondering what that armband did, he pushed the question away. No more curiosity about anything. All he wanted was to be out of here and back home.

He studied his cage. Damn. No door or a lock. The other mini prisons were empty. His eyes shot to the front of the room. Three monsters chatted like men taking a break next to a water cooler at work.

At the far end of the long room was a door next to a large silver table. When the metal opened, the creatures turned to look at the new arrival. Murry didn't think the new guy was going to help him.

A taller, fatter, angular-faced monster entered. His big monster hands closed the door with a wide swing. He marched toward the others.

"Well done." The fat monster and Murry made eye contact. "On the ship with no problems?"

"Are we taking him to our home planet?" one of the monsters asked.

"Humans don't last that long."

There was laughter and chatter, but Murry didn't hear it. The words home planet had his stomach clenching painfully. These were alien monsters and not nice ones. Were there even nice ones? Up to this point, Murry didn't think aliens existed, and he'd been happy with his ignorance. Gripping the cage bars frantically, he searched for a way out of his prison. He had to get off the ship before he left Earth.

What if he'd left Earth already? Vomit rose to his mouth.

What had been a simple not wanting to go to the group home for a few hours had turned into a Science Fiction horror story.

When Murry lifted his eyes, the fat one stared at him. The eyes were cold and calculating. He scanned Murry like a meal, and his blood went cold.

Scrambling to his feet, Murry tried to stand. His flight instinct took over. The problem was that there was nowhere to go in the tiny cage. He scrambled backward, and his shoulders struck the metal bars hard enough to bruise. The cage lifted upward like an invisible hand picked up the entire box. Murry tried to run but only made it halfway down the aisle.

Large hairy hands grabbed around his ankles. The claw nails shredded his jeans. Murry fought and kicked, but soon, other hands gripped him from all sides. His shirt, what was left of it, tore from his body. Twisting, he tried to get out of the hold, but the creatures didn't seem to be phased by his movements. Murry knew he didn't have the power behind his strikes to make a difference. He didn't eat enough to bulk up and never exercised or cared about his health. He simply lived every day the same. Now he wished he'd done some damn pushups or sit-ups in his life. His muscles became fatigued the more he tried to struggle. One of the creatures got his pants off his legs as they reached the table.

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