Saved... Or Maybe Not.

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*Chapter 3*

     Murry woke up to more terrible agony than he'd ever felt in his life. His eyes rolled to one side. A hairy creature was eating the layers of skin off the top of his forearm without the armband. His eyes widened. A long green tongue was licking and sucking his mangled flesh. Blood poured out as razor-sharp teeth scraped and sliced. Murry would never be able to get that image out of his head.

     His body rocked on the table as the skinny partner shoved his hips against him as he drank from Murry's body. Fresh tears flowed out of his eyes. He had to die soon. The fat one moved closer, and his wide green tongue ran over Murry's cheek, lapping up the tears. The fat one's breath smelled like rotting garbage. The stench made Murry gag. He almost threw up and tried to keep down his stomach contents. A body couldn't take much more of this, right? He prayed he would pass out again.

     Gagging a second time, Murry wondered if he threw up in his mouth if that would kill him. He could suffocate with this pole taking up all the available space. For a second, he wished he would choke on his vomit and die. He needed something to kill him and soon.

     "I'm finished." The skinny alien leaned over his body. Murry's eyes tracked the alien as he licked at a gash along his abdomen. The wound above his belly button was new.

     The agony made him feel faint, but the dizziness might've been the blood loss. How much blood could a human lose? When the son pulled himself away from Murry's body, there was only a second of relief. His skin was on fire. The abuse to his body was too much. He could die here. This was his new home until death, exactly like the monster said.

     The hairy alien eating the top of his arm picked up his head. After giving the fat one a nod, he walked around until he stood between Murry's legs. Again, Murry stared up at the ceiling and whimpered. Before anything new ripped into his flesh, a scratching sound came from the entrance to the room. Everyone's eyes turned to the door.

     A fiery blast blew apart the wall, the door, and part of the frame. The explosion toppled the table, tipping a tied and strapped-down Murry over onto his side. Cages tumbled. In an instant, everything changed. The hairy monsters were clearly terrified.

     Murry was still bound to the table, but now his shoulder and uneaten arm were planted under him and against the cold metal floor. He faced the aisle of scattered cages. The alien who was trying to eat him hit the floor at the power of the explosion. Now that the smoke cleared, the monster jumped to his feet.

     As soon as the hairy creature ran, a blue light hit him in the center of the back. Murry watched the monster slide on his belly face-first toward the other end of the room. The smell of burning hair and acid blood was released into the air. A blackened hole smoked in the center of the alien's head.

     The fat one and his skinny partner hurtled over Murry's table, still tipped on the side. The two monsters separated and then ducked between cages. Murry angled his head up as a new creature stepped over him.

     The new alien strolled into the center walkway between the rows of cages like he owned the ship. The six-foot-five man-shaped creature had smooth blue skin that shimmered like he was wet or covered in glitter. Three tentacles were on either side of his body. One set of appendages came out of his shoulders like human arms with no hands. The next set of limbs came from his ribs. The third pair of tentacles came out from above his wide, muscular hips. The alien was perfectly symmetrical and reminded Murry of a Ken-doll. Well, it would be a doll if he were a six-tentacled doll with blue dolphin skin.

     When the alien stopped in the center of the room, one tentacle reloaded a weapon he held while another tentacle pulled a second gun from a holster on his thigh. Last, a tentacle flipped his black hair over his shoulder. The move was like a flirty girl at the mall, but Murry noted that wasn't hair on the alien's head. What flowed around the alien's shoulders was more like tubes. Out of his head grew tons of long shiny tiny black tubes. They curled at the ends.

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