True. That could've been handled better.

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*Chapter 18*

Murry awoke to a soft bed of Nebos. He opened his eyes and glanced around the room. He was on Kel's bed on the ship. Everything was exactly where it was supposed to be. He scrubbed a hand over his face. The alien baby had been a nightmare.

Rolling over, Murry tossed his feet over the bed. As he stood, his stomach rumbled. He glanced down. He looked thin. His belly wasn't overly fat. Yes. It had all been a dream.

Walking to the bathroom, Murry showered and then studied the Nebos and the furniture. The room hummed with discord. Something about all this didn't feel right. He ran a hand over his belly button and then lower. The skin was smooth. The Nebos dried his body and then dressed him in blue pants and a matching robe shirt.

After he was dressed, Murry strolled around the room. He headed to the coffee table. Everything looked like the ship, but the room didn't feel right. He couldn't put his finger on what was off.

Murry set his hand on the corner of the eating table. The surface offered a huge spread of food and three large glasses of water. Suddenly, Murry was parched. He drank and drank and then called for Petey.

The green silk band that was usually around his arm didn't come to his side. Murry called again in his head. Petey didn't respond.

"Petey?" Murry looked around the room.

The door to the quarters opened, and Kel walked inside. Immediately, Murry felt the change in Kel. The alien didn't greet him like normal. Keltrix stayed next to the exit. His mind was closed to Murry.

"Have you eaten?" Kel motioned to the table.

Murry shook his head.

"After you eat, JP and Rhylent will be taking you back to Earth. As you travel, remember to eat and care for yourself." Keltrix opened the drapes. The view wasn't space or even the hanger. The window showed a vast city of different-sized buildings. Murry guessed he was easily thirty feet up.

"Where am I?" Murry stared out at the city. "This is your home planet, isn't it?"

"This is my home." Kel nodded. "You are in a wing in the palace."

Murry ran a hand over his hair. He'd noticed his hair's length in the shower. How long had he been sleeping? He thought about what Kel just said. He had to go back to Earth. Murry tipped his head sideways to glance at Kel. The alien looked haggard and thinner. He didn't look this bad since he'd had the run-in with the spider creature.

"Why am I going back to Earth?" Murry stepped closer to Kel, but the alien scooted away like touching Murry would light him on fire. He stepped to the other side of the coffee table.

"You know why. It is for the best. You are human, and I am Dagerstanteen. It was silly to continue what we were doing. I have thought about it, and it is wrong."

Murry had never been dumped before, and this rejection might be the worst thing he'd ever felt in the world. He straightened his spine. Nothing about this was correct. He placed a hand on his belly.

"That wasn't a dream, was it?" Murry whispered. To know the answer to that question was almost too much, but Murry didn't want the situation sugar-coated. "I can handle it. Tell me."

"You incubated my offspring." Kel refused to meet Murry's eyes.

"Where is Petey?" Murry had dual emotions. One, he was happy the thing was out of him, and two, Murry also hoped Petey didn't die. He thought about Kel's offspring trying to save his life. He argued and fought with passion on Murry's behalf to save him. An unborn baby went head to head with a king, all for Murry. Petey wanted them to live.

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