I swear I can handle this.

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*Chapter 8*

In the hot shower, Murry stroked his hand over his erection. He pumped over the seven inches of enlarged needy flesh and the swollen begging crown. As his climax built, he brushed his other fingers over his nipples, wishing for tentacles. His mouth filled with saliva, picturing the taste of Keltrix. He kept moving his fist and closed his eyes—watermelon, suction, smooth skin. The images of his alien fed Murry's desire, bringing his yearning to a fevered pitch.

Leaning against the side of the shower, he moaned. As always, just as he thought he might reach the pinnacle, nothing happened. His orgasm fizzled. His erection still stood straight out from his body, but he couldn't get to a finish. The high began to wan, and then it faded. His bicep started to ache from overuse. Now, his member began to throb.

Swearing, Murry let go of his heavy shaft. Damn, Keltrix. Damn this. He shoved his face under the hot spray and swore a blue streak. If this kept happening to him, soon, one arm would look like he lifted weights while his other arm would stay scrawny.

Giving up on his abused hard-on, Murry stepped out of the shower and snapped off the water. He had to clear his head. He would get on with the day and forget that without Kel, he could no longer come.

As Murry stepped onto the Nebos, he guessed that Keltrix hadn't returned to his room because he was afraid that he would kiss Murry again. It had been a few days, and Keltrix was all Murry thought about and wanted. If the alien were here, he would beg for a kiss or maybe even a touch like last time. Is this what made people so insane that they killed themselves? Kel talked as though the Dagerstanteens had tried many species as pleasure slaves, and none worked. He wondered if there was more to the story than what Kel told him.

Murry paused. The Nebos slid up his body and wicked off the warm water. As he stood next to the sink and began to clean his teeth, the fabric dried him. When the Nebos finished, the silks formed into a floor-length robe and a loose pair of pants hanging on his hips.

Today's clothing color was green and red, like Christmas decor. It had taken Murry hours to teach the Nebos how to make pants and a robe. He couldn't get a shirt. He shrugged at the covering. It was enough not to feel so exposed all the time. Caring about what color they choose was beyond what he was willing to put in the time.

Once he finished brushing and was dressed, he wandered into the living space like he did every morning. After arguing with the table over breakfast, Murry accepted the not eggs, bacon, and biscuits before he stepped up to the window. This part was his favorite moment of the day. The Nebos created a chair for him, and he sat. The curtains opened, and he stared. If the ship had moved while he slept, he would get a new view. Today was the same as the last few days—stars, space, and a single planet. The giant red planet had been there for days. He could almost see the flares on the surface. He wondered if it was a windstorm or fire.

When Murry finished eating, once again, he fought with the table for coffee and ended up with tea. He didn't even know if the liquid was tea, but he was content to drink the hot fluid while tapping his glass tablet.

Yesterday, Murry got the stupid alien toy to play a movie for twenty minutes. Sure, the romantic comedy was all in Spanish, but still, he got the thing to do something. Murry understood that the glass plate could do many actions since Kel had listed off words like computers, books, and tablets. The only problem was that Murry didn't have the mental ability to make the alien gadget work properly.

Hours passed, and Murry got half a YouTube video and what might have been a game of solitaire. When his brain refused to put up with the struggle any longer, he did yoga exactly as his mother taught him. The stretching eased his sore right arm, and the meditation lightened his frustration.

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