Can I call you Kel?

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*Chapter 4*

For the second time, Murry awoke to more pain than he'd ever felt in his life. Was that even possible? His skin blazed and he wondered if he was being cooked alive. He told himself not to open his eyes. He couldn't face more torture. His curiosity poked him. Was he still with Kel... Kel... whatever the alien's name was?

When he finally looked around, Murry discovered he was back on a table. His heart began to pound as the icy claws of fear gripped him. No more. Since nothing was in his mouth, he began to beg. Even if no one would understand him, he didn't care. He couldn't stand to get ripped apart again.

"Please," he whimpered. "Please, no more, please. I can't..."

"Calm, Human." Keltrix's blue eye met his. This close, Murry noted his thick black eyelashes. The alien leaned over him and a soft smooth tentacle stroked up his uninjured arm. There was nothing on the appendage caressing him. No pain. The tentacles had no suction cups like an octopus. These beings were uniquely different than anything Murry had ever seen before. If he weren't so sick, he would ask a million questions. "I am here. Remember me? Keltrixtionlenz?"

"How can I remember a name like Kel... Keltrix-Kel." Shooting pain up his arm stole the rest of Murry's attempts at the pronunciation. When the agony subsided, he stared into the most beautiful sky-blue eyes he'd ever seen. "I'll just call you Kel," he muttered and licked his lips.

"That is fine, slave."

Slave? Murry opened his mouth to argue that term, but he didn't get the chance. More searing burning shot through his body. He shivered but he was also roasting in ablaze. Sweat broke out on his skin.

When the door to the room opened, the red-haired alien, JP, walked to the table. Fear slammed into Murry a second time. They could hurt him as the hairy aliens did before. Even though between their legs they were smooth like molded plastic, that didn't mean something more sinister wouldn't happen. Anything was possible and he was at their mercy.

"I can't..." Murry whimpered the rest of his words. "Please don't." His eyes filled with tears. The drops rolled down his cheeks. He didn't want to be eaten again.

"He is leaking," Keltrix spoke behind him. "Is that normal?"

"Keltrixtionlenz," JP growled as he appeared in Murry's line of sight. The other alien's voice held censure and displeasure. "I told you to leave." JP's head blocked the bright light overhead. "I cannot fix this slave. Let him die in peace."

"I do not accept that." Keltrix snapped. Again, Kel's lips never moved but Murry could hear him. Both aliens he understood even though neither of their lips moved and he didn't speak their language.

"Why can I understand you?" Murry murmured.

"I forgot how uneducated and simple-minded humans are." JP's nostrils flared. "We should not have kept this one. I can already tell this thing will be nothing but problems for us."

"The language band is still on you." Keltrix ran a tentacle over the black strap still around Murry's forearm. "Do you want me to take it off?"

"No." Murry shook his head. If he were going to die, at least he would know what they said while it was happening. After he told Kel no, the alien straightened. He faced JP as if they squared off ready for a fight.

"This is not going to be a problem. So what if the creature is a little curious? He will not be trouble." Kel flipped his tube hair. "Just help and I will take care of it."

"I cannot. You are not listening to me," JP argued. "The human's infections are too great. The wounds are not clean. You must accept what I am telling you. You would be kinder to kill the slave before this gets worse."

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