Saved by a sex dream.

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*Chapter 10*

Murry had never been so worn out, but sleep wouldn't happen any time soon. Repeatedly, Rhylent made him meditate and connect to Kel. When Murry would find the thread, Keltrix was always sleeping. Rhylent forced Murry to explain what sensation he felt around the area where Kel rested. The questions were never-ending and boarded on bizarre. After hours, Murry could barely keep his eyes open. Rhylent was unrelenting.

A slap flashed across his cheek. Murry's eyes fluttered open with the sting. That tentacle packed a punch.

"Thanks." He inhaled and walked back and forth.

"You are a strange creature. I have never been thanked for hitting a species."

"No, it's good. I have to stay up." Murry passed a skinny alien and then walked under a map. He rubbed his eyes and his throbbing cheekbone.

"See him again." Rhylent pointed to the chair. "There has to be something I can use. Tell me anything you see or feel."

Murry sat and then hunted for the connection. In minutes, he came across Kel. Murry was getting much faster at finding the brain meld. The alien's mind was more active this time. Keltrix was dreaming.

Curious as always, Murry followed the thoughts until he came to a clear vision. The picture was as if Murry was staring at Kel through a giant square single-pane window. He yelled for Kel, but the alien didn't respond. A dream version of himself walked into the scene. Now Dream-Murry and Dream-Kel were talking in a dark room. It was odd to see himself as Keltrix did. Was Murry's hair that long? He should cut it or get a comb.

Abruptly, Kel pressed Dream-Murry back against the wall and pulled off Dream-Murry's robe and pants. Damn. Murry exhaled in a whoosh. Keltrix was having a sex dream. The vision was so surprising that Murry's eyes snapped open. He licked his lips, almost able to taste watermelon on his tongue.

"Is Keltrix awake?" Rhylent asked. "Please tell me Keltrix is awake." The alien sounded hopeful.

"No." Murry shrugged. "He's dreaming."

"That might help. What is the dream about?"

"Me?" Murry hesitated. He hoped he could leave out the sex part.

"That is useless."

"Gee, thanks."

Rhylent walked away and then spoke in how tones to three other warriors. After Rhylent gave a command and the aliens dispersed, he marched back to him. Kel's younger sibling's eyes narrowed. Murry knew what he was going to say.

"I know, I know. Again," Murry muttered and closed his eyes. "I got it."

This time, finding the thread was easier because Keltrix was still deep into his dream. In his mind, Murry strolled up to the viewing window and watched. His cheeks heated. Kel was going all out. Murry kissed the alien's skin as if his life depended on it. The alien was touching Dream-Murry precisely like in the bathroom. Their mouths were locked, and Dream-Murry sucked on the alien's big fat tongue. A tentacle was wrapped around Dream-Murry's cock sliding and gliding. Up and down. The move was hypnotic.

Another tentacle was up Dream-Murry's ass, pumping in and out. That part of the vision made Murry uncomfortable, but the rest of it, he wanted. As he watched, the vision became so real that Murry started to get hard. Damn. He could almost taste the watermelon and feel the tentacles on his body. Every part of him begged for this right now. God, he missed Kel so much he might even consider letting him enter his backside like that.

Kel shoved Dream-Murry against red rocks. Dream-Murry bucked into Kel's hold, moaning his pleasure. Murry started to get jealous. That might be ridiculous, but he would give anything to switch places with the dream version of himself.

When Dream-Murry threw his head back, he shot ropes of semen onto Kel's skin. The white was stark against the blue. His head thrashed with his climax. The red rocks bled inky oil wherever they crumbled. The dream was hot, but Murry decided the gross rocks could be deleted from the scene.

"That ruins the mood," Murry mumbled as he shifted on his chair. "Weird."

"What do you see?"

Murry's eyes flew open. For a second, he'd forgotten Rhylent. Crossing his legs, he wondered if Rhylent had noted his now throbbing erection. Grrreeaat. He was in the middle of an alien spaceship's command center with a fresh rocket ready to go off. This situation was worse than getting a chubby at the group home in front of people. Quickly, Murry tried to think about baseball and math problems. He began to deflate.

"Well...?" He glanced at Rhylent and felt his cheeks and neck warm with embarrassment. "What?"

"I asked what do you see, Human?" Rhylent growled as he scanned Murry with that disapproving frown.

"I see..." Murry wouldn't tell Rhylent he was viewing an erotic dream of Kel doing him with a tentacle. Murry bit his tongue. Now, he was semi-hard in the command center. He had to stop thinking about the image.

"Human." Rhylent used his bottom right tentacle, the one he claimed sensed things, and wrapped the appendage around his neck. "Your heart rate is elevated. Tell me what happened."

"Kel is dreaming about making me drink from him." Murry hedged.

"I would assume that is weird for you." Rhylent let go of his neck.

"No." Murry shrugged. "The drinking from him wasn't what I thought was weird. It was the ink rocks. Gross."

Rhylent was striding away from Murry as he spoke. Probably to give other directions to the warriors in the room. But when Murry said ink rocks, the alien stopped and spun around. He walked back to Murry and did his intimidating, intense glare.

"Repeat that."

"What part?" Murry asked. If Rhylent asked for details of the dream, Murry planned to give him a rated G version.

"What happened with the rocks?"

"Oh, that." Murry nodded. "In the dream, we broke some, and they started to drip."

"Broke or crumbled?"

"Crumbled." Murry rose from the chair and stretched his shoulders. The exhaustion was trying to win again. He could go for a nap right now. Maybe he could ask Rhylent to slap him a second time.

"Explain ink."

"Ink?" Murry's brow furrowed. How did someone explain that? "Ink is a liquid we put in pens. In this case, the liquid that came out of the rocks was black and thick and—"

"Like black human blood?" Rhylent asked. "The rocks were bleeding?"

"Yes." Murry chuckled. Of course. The alien who wanted to kill him all the time knew about human blood. He should have started with that. "What came out of the rock was like thick black blood... Gross."

Rhylent held up a tentacle. "I know where he is." Rhylent scanned him. "Well done, Human."

"My name is Murry, not Human."

"Fine, Human-Murry." Rhylent yanked Murry's arm and shoved him toward the exit. "I will now return you to Kel's quarters so I can hunt."

"Can I sleep, or will that kill Keltrix?"

"You can sleep."


"Hmm." Rhylent slid the door open. "Keltrix is right. You do say thanks quite often."

*** Thanks for reading!

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