Finally Asleep

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This part is going to be VERY short because I had major writing block all week but the next part will definitely be longer.



The movie started and Bakugo was doing push ups in the back of the room instead of sleeping even after insisting that's what he wanted to do.

    "Bakugo aren't you going to train later? It's 4:20 and you seemed pretty eager to sleep earlier."

    "I changed my mind so stop asking me Shitty Hair."

    "Not gonna happen. Do you need something else to sleep? Like music or a white noise machine? If you do I can just turn off the movie and play music or white noise on youtube."

    "Nope I can sleep perfectly fine."

    " why aren't you doing it?" Oh are you cold? I have extra blankets in the closet."

    "Not cold either. I told you to ignore it and just watch the damn movie."

    "Technically you said stop asking, not ignore it. Either way though I'm not going to listen. Is the floor not comfortable? Is it dusty? I could put some pillows down there and maybe a towel."

    Bakugo didn't answer that time. He just sat there, breathing heavily from the exercise and exhaustion.

    "Hah I got it!! You just aren't comfortable. Ok how about I sit down there with you and when you fall asleep I will go back into my bed."

    "Fine. Now that you're happy will you shut it?"

    "Yes I will." Kirishima said, a content look plastered on his face.

    They got settled sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed. Kirishima got six different pillows and three blankets from the closet to make a mini mattress on the floor.

    "I'm still confused how this is more comfortable than my actual bed."

    "I don't know Shitty Hair, just watch the movie."


    They sat there watching the movie for a while. It was almost 5 AM by the time the first quarter of the movie was over. Bakugo was exhausted but focused on the movie and didn't feel like sleeping. Kirishima kept coming close to falling asleep but stayed awake because he had to move back into his bed after Bakugo fell asleep.

    As much as he tried to stay awake eventually the sleep took over and he was out like a light. He stayed still for a couple of seconds before leaning over on Bakugo's shoulder.

    "Eh?!" Bakugo looked down at the sleeping boy on his shoulder. He was annoyed but also knew not to wake him up.

    'What the hell dumbass did you forget that you had to move back to your own bed."

    Bakugo gently shoved Kirishima off of his shoulder and propped him up. He tried picking him up by his shoulders but that wasn't working either.

    'Maybe I can put him on my back? No, I need him to cooperate to do that. Dammit I'll just pick him up normally.'

     He picked KIrishima up bridal style and placed him on the bed as gently as he could with his muscles burned out from the unnecessary training earlier.

    After he put Kirishima down on the bed he sat on the edge resting for a minute. He usually went to sleep at around 8 PM or 9 so he wasn't used to staying up this late and was completely spent.

    'He won't mind if I just stay here right? And if he does mind then oh well I'll just blow him-...'

    Bakugo lied down next to Kirishima and immediately fell asleep before he could decide if he wanted to sit back down on the floor or not.


Word Count- 605

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Have a wonderful night/day/afternoon!

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