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This chapter might be just a little shorter but the next one will be longer

Have fun reading!!


"Yeah ok fine let's go."

'Why the hell am I so worried about this? I've been forced to go to so many sleepovers with that dumb little friendgroup that I can't even count them all...but it's never been just two of us alone like this.'

They walked back to the dorm, Kirishima just happily walked along while Bakugo was having a battle in his head. Despite that he still held the stern, angry look on his face.

"You ok over there Bakugo? You look a little lost in thought."

'How the hell does this dumbass know that'

"Yes shitty hair I'm ok now keep on walking dumbass."

"Alright if you say so Bakubro."

'I know he doesn't mean that. He never does.' Kirishima thought, smiling and still happily walking.

Most of the people in UA had gotten used to Bakugo's temper and behavior by then but even at first Kirishima wasn't scared of Bakugo. That was why Bakugo was friends with him but no one else at the school.

'He can always see right through me.' Kirishima confused Bakugo but that didn't stop him from staying. He didn't think it ever would.

AN: ok I hate these but I really wanted to end the chapter there because that could be a nice ending but I can't because that wasn't even 100 words so let's just pretend everything after this is the next chapter.

(when they got to the dorm.)

They stepped into the room and even though Bakugo had seen that room many times before everything felt new to him. It also felt a little bit awkward, but clearly Kirishima did not feel that.

"Okay so what do you want to do first- I still need to clean a little but I could do that later or while we are doing something so what do you want to do? We could play some board games. I have a couple cool ones. I have a deck of cards. We could train if you would like although it's kind of late. Or we could just watch something on my phone or laptop."

"Sleep. I want to sleep." Bakugo said this, more harsh than what was intended but as usual Kirishima ignored the harsh tone and continued to pester him about what to do.

"Nah we will have time for that later plus it is only 2 am and it's Saturday tomorrow. Unless you are going to see your parents this weekend."


"Alright then. It's settled we are doing something so what is it that you want to do?"

"I don't know shitty hair nor do I give shit so just pick something and this will be over with."

"Hey you're being very rude to the games and movies. How about we just do everything. Yeah! We can start with cards, then the games, then since we will be tired we can watch a movie."

"You know what? Fine. Fine what do you want to do with the cards?"

"Let's play...blackjack! I love that game!"

After Kirishima explains the game to Bakugo they play a couple of practice rounds, Kirishima winning them all. Then they start playing for real and keeping score. After the first 10 rounds the score is tied 5-5.

"Do you want to do one more round as a tie breaker and then move on to board games Bakugo?"

"Sure but I'm going to win this."

"You got to 20 on your first two cards?! Wow good job I guess you did win after all."

(sorry if you don't know what blackjack is but all you need to know is that Bakugo just won)

"Well of course I did, you think you were going to beat me in one dumbass card game? Definitely not."

Kirishima smiled at this, knowing Bakugo was happy he won. He might not have "liked" Bakugo but he still cared about him so much.

"So what's next Bakugo?"

"You said board games right? Watcha got?"


Word count-675

As I said definitely shorter

Comment what board games they should play!

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Have a wonderful day/night!

Simple Cleaning Accident//Kiribaku-Bakukiri Where stories live. Discover now