Bye Bye Bed

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   This is the first chapter so I really hope you like it!!

    This will be fairly short, at most 20 parts

    There will be no smut, just slightly suggestive parts that you can skip if you would like. There will be heavy language though.

    If needed at any part I will put a trigger warning

    If you think something needs to be edited or if you want me to put a trigger warning for something specific please comment on it. Okay have fun reading!!


"DAMMIT" said Bakugo, trying to clean his room. He was getting frustrated and kept getting distracted by random things he found in his closet. So, he accidentally went BOOM. He forgot that he was cleaning, not destroying. So he needed to find someone to help clean up the mess. (I wonder who..time for fanfic logic)

Bakugo had destroyed an entire half of his room, including his bed and closet, so there was no chance of getting any cleaning done then especially because what he was trying to clean had just been blown up.

'I could go ask that yaoyorozu girl. No it's late she's asleep by now. SHIT' He thought. Sometimes he could be just as loud in his mind as he is when he is talking.

"Damn it I did NOT want to do this" Bakugo said as he tried to find his phone which, luckily, was on his dresser instead of part of the rubble on the floor.

He pulled out his phone, knowing the only person that would still be up at that time was Kirishima. Bakugo would never admit it but he had always had a kind of soft spot for his best friend. Some people, especially Ashido, have even joked around about them being "gay for each other," or some shit.

However, he denied that idea as soon as it was verbalized, shooting some more ludicrous form of 'shut up' at her. He wasn't gay and even if he was Kirishima wasn't the first guy he would date. Bad for heroes to date each other, kidnapping ransoms and all that good shit.

Weirdly enough he had never liked anyone. He's always been too focused on his dream of being a hero and, admittedly, terrorizing Deku throughout his childhood, but he didn't like thinking about that last part.

Snapping back to the present and finally getting to Kirishima's contact he typed in 'Oi Shitty Hair, get your ass over here!'

    'Why the fuck can't I send one damn text, I'm not a pussy. Dammit am I going soft?' He thought as his finger hovered over the small, blue send button, his other hand sending small explosions out of his fingers.

    He finally sent the text and almost immediately got a response.

Shitty Hair: Yeah sure Bakubro I'll be over right away. Is something wrong?

(by the way the names here are their contact names for each other)

Shitty Hair: Ok, on my way now 😁

'Oi him and those dumb is a little cute though. WAIT THE FUCK. That alien chic was NOT right about "feelings" for that shitty hair dumbass. Hell I'm not even gay! Wait yes I am' He thought, tempted to just tell Kirishima to forget about helping him.

A couple seconds later Bakugo realized he exploded an entire leg off of his sweatpants. Walking over to where his closet used to be he mentally scolded himself for not having any clothes on his floor or in the dresser that was just empty for no reason.

    Then he remembered the one pair of tight, female biker shorts he had in the corner of his room from when he was dared to wear them at a party he didn't even want to go to last week.

Simple Cleaning Accident//Kiribaku-Bakukiri Where stories live. Discover now