Some Friends

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Ok so apparently any uploading schedule has gone out the window because I keep writing faster then I intend to and can never wait to upload it.

Enjoy reading though!!


"There you go Bakugo. Now you must move back to the last blue space." Kirishima said with a smug grin on his face.

To be fair Bakugo knew he wasn't going to win. Kirishima had played this game a concerning amount of times and even though it was mostly a game of luck he was still oddly good at it.

Under the table Kirishima's phone buzzed a couple times.

"Oh it's Denki!!"

"Ugh don't answer Sparky, it probably doesn't even matter."

"Oh he said that he will bring back over the board games with Shinso since they are done with them."

"Tell him to stay in his own room until I leave."

"No can do, he's coming in ten minutes. What we can do though, is finish this game."

"Ugh. fine."

They played for a while, Kirishima eventually winning like they both knew he would. Then they heard a knock on the door.

"Yay he's here!"

Kirishima walked over to the door half skipping. He opened it and was met with an overjoyed Kaminari and a sleep deprived Shinso.

"Hey Denki, hey Shinso!"



"Oh hi Bakugo I didn't know you were over here with Kiri too."

A couple seconds after it looked like a lightbulb or something turned on in Kaminari's brain.

"Ok guys. I know I came here with Shinso to give you guys back your games...but with Bakugo here let's make this like a double date night in the dorms kind of thing!! We could do that for like an hour just playing some stuff then we can invite Mina over! Maybe even Sero!!"

"HEY THIS WASN'T A DATE" Both Bakugo and Shinso said at the same time both becoming flustered.

"Yeah Kami that's a great idea!!"

Kirishima brought Kaminari and Shinso over to the table that he had been sitting at with Bakugo. Bakugo was sitting across from Kirishima and Kaminari was sitting across from Shinso.

Kaminari and Kirishima were both practically bursting with joy while Bakugo and Shinso just kind of glared at each other.

"We already played Candy Land so we don't have to play that one. What have you guys played."

"Well we-" Kaminari started but Shinso cut him off

"Wait. So Bakugo..played..Candy Land?"


"Bakugo calm down please don't blow up my room too." That caused little sparks to come out of Bakugo's fingers but he calmed down in a couple minutes.

"As I was saying. We played Headbandz and that's it."

"Ooo that must have been fun. Wait do you guys maybe want to play monopoly?"

"It might take a while but yes let's do it!!"

Bakugo and Shinso thought that the two boys were way too happy about this but they went along with it anyway because even though they wouldn't have admitted it they were both having a good time.

Simple Cleaning Accident//Kiribaku-Bakukiri Where stories live. Discover now