How Do I Know?

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I'm so sorry about my endless breaks, however i highly doubt anyone who used to like this fic cares anymore lol. It's really hard to get motivation to write when I'm not in the fandom anymore, but I'm just gonna try again until it's finally done. As usual, pardon any accuracy mistakes, I haven't watched the show since season 3.

Without further adieu...


As Bakugo walked down to the common room with Kirishima and Kaminari he couldn't help but hold on to the fuzzy feeling he had felt just a few minutes ago. He had hugged Kirishima plenty of times before. He might not have wanted to but the red head was a very touchy person. Bakugo just couldn't figure out why this hug would've been any different.

As the rest of his friends sitting in the common room came into view, he decided that it must've just been the added high of the emotions that were running through them. Confident i'm that decision, he shoved away the weird feelings and leveled a glare as his friends wolf whistled at their appearance.

     "Would y'all shut your mouths? It's too early for this." Bakugo complained, putting his hands behind his head and continuing down the stairs with a yawn.

     Kirishima slapped Bakugo for the attitude then turned back to his friends. "What are you guys so excited over anyway?" His question however, was already answered by the way Kaminari was practically jumping with excitement (and maybe a little fear of Bakugo) next to him.

     "I sorta kinda maybe told all of them that you guys were sharing a room the second I got back to my dorm." As soon as he finished, he jumped behind a pillow from the small sparks coming out of Bakugo's hand.

     As everyone looked at him expectantly, waiting for the threats and screaming that would predictably come from the hothead, they were met with nothing other than a defensive, "What?"

     There was silence for a long moment before Kaminari half whispered, "Can we ask questions...?" He ducked further beneath the pillow at first, scared for his life, but half jumped for joy when Bakugo only answered with a hand movement as if to say 'go ahead.'

     Suddenly everyone was yelling in their faces at once, multiple things about "was it the same bed," "how did you wake up," one particularly weird one about "awkward" morning situations (that one was Sero). Overall they were the same question in different fonts and most of the answers were no. Even so, it seemed Kirishima was happy to answer all of their questions with a cheerful smile while Bakugo sunk down on the other end of the couch.

     At some point, Kirishima let it slip that Bakugo made breakfast and everyone went scrambling to the kitchen for leftovers. Mina was the only one who stayed, claiming she had already eaten. Very faintly, Bakugo heard her whisper, "Any issues with the nightmares?" Well that certainly caught his attention. As far as Bakugo knew, Kaminari was the only one who knew about his nightmares before that morning. But now Bakugo had a doubt in his mind, did everyone know except him?

     He looked over just in time to see Kirishima turn towards him and softly say, "A small one, but I took care of it."

     Bakugo wanted to look away, to break the eye contact that was much too soft for his liking, but despite this he couldn't bring himself to do it. He was trapped in the red head's gaze.

     After what seemed like an eternity—but was actually only a few seconds based on Mina's lack of reaction—Kirishima finally looked back at her with a soft smile and held out his arms for hug. She took the offer and Bakugo turned away, feeling as if he was intruding.

     As curious as he was, he decided to let his thoughts go for now and figured there was plenty of time to figure Kirishima out while his room was getting fixed. Not that he cared all that much in the first place, of course.

     Nope, it's just that there was nothing else to do while he waited. That's it.

     He was snapped out of his thoughts as someone from the corner yelled, "Let's get out of here! Bakusquad outing!"

     This was going to be a long weekend.


Okkk I hope that was decent. I'm so sorry I barely even remember what happened in the chapters of this fic so if there are any plot holes or inconsistencies please please please tell me so I can fix it!! Also I had a plan for this story and I'm not sure if I agree with it anymore so before I decide what to do, plot suggestions are open.

Btw I have a better version of this fic posted on my account, it only has two chapters so far but it's the same plot with much better writing, if you think this is too cringey please check it out.

Have a good day/night!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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