Bad Dreams and Katsudon

443 8 3

Warning, ✨s o f t    b a  k u h o e✨


The next day Kirishima and Bakugo woke up extremely late. They were both exhausted so ended up sleeping through the alarm Kirishima set to go off at 11 AM.

    At some point while they were sleeping Kirishima had managed to move into a completely different position. This one involved a knee in Bakugo's back.

    'What the hell?'

    After rubbing the sleep out of his eyes Bakugo turned his head around and saw Kirishima way closer than he was when they went to sleep. He had his arm draped loosely around Bakugo's waist and the other arm was in between his head and the pillow.


    'What the hell happened here? I was really damn tired so I just slept on the bed but he was on the other side of the bed, looking the other way.'

   'I want to move but he- OW!! He keeps fucking kicking me. Who the hell sleeps like that anyway.'

    (ok that's enough of your thoughts dude stfu)

    Bakugo squirmed out of Kirishima's grasp and sat on the edge of the bed. He slowly got up, careful not to make too much noise, and looked for one of their phones. 'I am NOT a damn little spoon.' Bakugo thought, quietly growling.

    He ended up finding his own and turned it on. The light would have hurt his tired eyes but the morning sun had already done that enough. Well at that point it was more like afternoon sun.

    'Shit it's already 1pm. I should wake him up but he looks peaceful. Damn it I'll make him breakfast- or lunch- whatever as long as it's food.' Bakugo thought. He slowly scuffed over to the door and opened it as quietly, and carefully as possible and did the same while closing it.


    He walked down into the common room and went directly over to the kitchen. If there were more people there he would have just gone back to the dorm and let Kirishima make his own food but the only person there was Yaoyorozu. She was just reading and wouldn't bother him.

   'What would that dumbass want to eat..screw it. I know how to make katsudon after making it for Deku when we were kids so he's getting katsudon. Doesn't he like meat? Yeah ok he'll get extra.'

    The dorm's fridge really was stockpiled for food. It was as if the teachers were preparing to feed a hundred people and not a class of twenty students. Bakugo got everything he needed and started to prepare the food.

(With Kiri)
TW: B/00D, just a little of it mentioned though/ minor character d3@th

    "NO WAIT COME BACK I NEED TO HELP YOU!! I CAN STILL DO SOMETHING!!" Kirishima's mom walked away from him, leaving bloody footprints behind her. Kirishima ran after her with all the energy and strength he had, tears flying out of his eyes as he ran.


"Shitty hair wake up!! Come on wake up it's a dream damn it!!" Bakugo said. When he got back to the dorm with their food in his hands he saw Kirishima tossing and turning like crazy and almost screaming in his sleep. He immediately rushed over to him and started shaking him.

"Get your ass up and it'll stop!! Dumbass I know you aren't dead so how heavy of a sleeper are you?! Oh for god's sake KIRI WAKE THE HELL UP"

'What..oh. That one again, I thought I had finally gotten rid of it.' Kirishima thought, he finally fluttered his eyes open. He couldn't exactly see very well with the tears clouding his vision but what he did see was blood red eyes filled with worry, staring at him.

"Bakugo? What's wrong did something happen?!"

"I don't know dumbass why the hell were you screaming and crying in your sleep..."

"Oh I-"

"You do know it was just a dream right..?" Bakugo wasn't making eye contact with Kirishima at all. In fact he had his face turned the other way and was staring at the floor.

"...Yeah..I do." As much as Kirishima wished he could have been enjoying Bakugo being so nice for once, he was really only worried about what he had heard. 'I tried to keep my past a secret. Only Mina knows. I wasn't planning on telling anyone else.'

"Damn it dumbass." Bakugo turned around and pulled Kirishima up into a hug. 'It's not like this means anything. I won't be like this again. It's just that no one should have to fucking be alone through shit if they don't have to be.'

"I'm sorry...I can't- I don't want to tell-" Kirishima stuttered out in between sobs. It had been a while since anything like that had happened. There were small embraces from the Bakusquad of course but that's it.

"Shut up. You don't have to, I don't give a damn. Just stay here until you want to eat the food I made for you."


Word count- 842

Short chapter. But a plot builder.

His dream won't be left as a plot hole :)

Questions? Don't be afraid to ask.

Requests? I'll always take them as long as they aren't illegal. Just say the ship, this is optional but the plot you want, and whether you want a oneshot or full story.

Want to get to know me? Bet. My tiktok is in my bio or you can talk to me here!!

I'm proud of you and have a great day/night!!

(I keep changing the ending-)

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