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Okay. First chapter since I took a HUGE break and improved my writing style. It's going to be hard but I'm going to try and recreate my old cringy writing style for y'all because maybe you like it?? If you read this and think "wtf is going on this is horrible" please go read the first chapter of the rewrite on my page with the same title, it is MUCH better in my opinion. Plus the chapters are going to be longer and it'll be a sliiight slow burn. Now here we go...


Bakugo made his way over to Kaminari's dorm room fairly quickly.

"Hey guys I'm bac-" He walked in to Kirishima sobbing in Kaminari's arms. 'What the fuck, I thought we fixed this??' He thought as he cautiously walked over to them.

"Do you want him to leave?" Kaminari whispered to Kirishima.

"No, *sniff* he can stay. I should probably explain all of this to him anyway." Kirishima wiped off his face and sat up straight.

Bakugo sat next to Kirishima on the bed and nodded at him to begin.


Warning: badly written gore description

Flashback~Nine Years Ago
(Kirishima: Age 7)

Kirishima was asleep in his Crimson Riot themed bed when the door opening woke him up. 'Mommy's home really late. I hope she's okay!' He thought. He sprung out of bed and ran down the stairs. "Mommy! How'd the fight go are you okay-?" The sight he saw was a sight he would not forget for the rest of his life.

His mother was covered in blood. Her hero costume was ripped along her shoulder and through all the blood and flesh Kirishima swore he saw some bone. Her knees were gashed and scraped up, her hair was ripped out in a couple places, and her face was terribly bruised and cut up.

Kirishima ran to her and tried to hug her but he got shoved away. Not hard enough to really hurt but it sent him pretty far. This surprised him as she never laid a hand with bad intent on his body. Now he understood she didn't mean it, but it still didn't feel too great.

"Do you want me to go get mom?" Kirishima asked. He got up and shook off any bad thoughts. (Btw he has two moms in this, he calls one mommy/mama later in the fic and one mom. I will describe the beaten up one as mother and the other as mom.)

"No honey, let your mom sleep. Now thank you for being such a brave and amazing son but you should go back to bed." She wiped off her lips with a fairly clean part of her suit and leant down to kiss his forehead. She winced as she stood back up and started to limp towards the bathroom.

Kirishima stood there for a few moments, debating what to do, before he started to go back upstairs. He trusted his mother.

~~Next Day~~

"You can't just leave him like this!"

"He has you!"

Kirishima crept down the stairs. A few minutes earlier he woke up to yelling and wanted to come check it out.

"I know but I can't always be there for him! I have to work you know this!"

"I know but this can't happen again. He's not just seeing things he shouldn't have to see he's being put in danger!!"

As he slowly stepped closer to the doorway he got more and more confused. Were they talking about him?

"Please. Just don't leave us. Don't leave me."

"Honey, I love you and I love our son. But you know I have you. Not just for his safety, but for yours as well."

At this point Kirishima had a slight grasp as to what was going on. He stepped into the kitchen.

"Mommy's leaving?" He said so quietly it was almost a whisper.

"Oh baby," His mom said as she ran over to him and hugged him. "How much of that did you hear?"

"Most of it, I think," Kirishima said, trying to hold back tears.

"Mommy is just doing what she thinks is best for us, okay?"

His mother came over then. She was still very beat up looking, but she was now covered in bandages instead of blood and her shoulder was covered by her shirt instead of a ripped up suit exposing blood and bone. She crouched down, clenching her teeth from the pain and enveloped him in as tight of a hug as she could muster.

"I already have a bag packed. Before I leave I just want you to know that you nor your mom did nothing wrong. The people I fought last were just very bad people and mommy's just scared they might follow me around." She explained, slowly and carefully as to think of her words.

Kirishima hugged her as tightly as he could without hurting any of the places he saw were badly injured the night before. "Please don't go," He cried.

"I have to. I love you, and maybe I'll see you again. Okay?" She got up slowly and walked out of the kitchen. She grabbed her small duffel bag from where it sat next to the door and she turned around one more time. "I love you both so much, see you around okay?"

Kirishima and his mom both said their I love you's and goodbyes. It was only then that Kirishima noticed the bloody footprints all around the door from last night.



Kirishima finished up his story and looked up at Bakugo.

"Is this what your nightmare was about?" Bakugo asked as gently as he could without sounding unlike himself.

"Yes," Kirishima replied, almost a whisper.

"Fuck Kiri-" Bakugo then leaned forward and hugged him.

When Kaminari thought the situation was slowly coming to an end he thought he could joke around a bit.

"So, 'Kacchan' has feelings now does he?" He said with a smirk

Bakugo let go of Kirishima and threatened Kaminari with a small spark. Kirishima laughed and stood up.
"Come on guys, let's go actually do something with our saturday." He said. They all got up and as they were leaving the room, Bakugo stopped behind them.

He couldn't help feel more warm than the usual explosion quirk level of warmth after that hug. He thought back to what Mina had said just a couple days before.

"Bakugo are you coming man?" Kirishima said back to him.

"Yeah, yeah quit your nagging." He said, then he left the room more confused than before.


Soooo there you have it! I tried my best to replicate my old writing style but i just..I just couldn't replicate that level of cringe so i'm sincerely sorry if you liked the old messy style.

By the way! Since you probably don't remember, in like the first chapter of the fic I said something about Mina joking about Bakugo liking Kirishima or something like that so that's what that whole thing at the end was about. Also Bakugo knew Kirishima was hot but he just figured out attraction was starting to turn into a crush cruuushhh~~

Anyways!! The full word count was around 1k or something so longer chapter for the return!

Again! I cannot stress enough how much better the rewrite will be soooo yeah that's there on my page too!!

Anyways have a good day/night and hopefully i'll post again soon!!

Simple Cleaning Accident//Kiribaku-Bakukiri Where stories live. Discover now