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I make the title sound so serious-

Warning this chapter is mostly something I wrote to cheer myself up but it is in fact still part of the story. Basically it's comedy and fluff that's about it.



Bakugo leaned over the table they were at when he said that and smirked.

    'Well that was unnecessarily attractive' Kirishima blushed a heavy deep shade of red.

    "Oi Shitty Hair. Why is your face the color of your hair? Can't handle anyone attractive being less than a foot away? Or is it that it's just me you react to like that?"

(*insert sparkles if emojis worked on my laptop* flirty Bakugo)

    In about ten seconds Bakugo realized how dumb it was to flirt with the red head because now they were both turned away from eachother. Both boys, the color of Kirishima's hair.

    "I- I- No I just-" Kirishima stuttered

    'He's right though. What is up with me and the blushing tonight'

    "Ok so uh..about the board games. I'm pretty sure Shinso and Denki are in Denki's room and I think about four of mine are there with them so I will look at which ones I have left."

(AN: ok random thought here does anyone want me to do a oneshot with whatever shinso and kaminari are doing over there *hey no dirty stuff about what I just said-* Wait I just did an author's note in an author's note- ok I'm sorry back to the fanfic)

    "Well I have those path games. For example stuff like Life and Candy Land-"

    "Shitty hair you have Candy Land? Exactly how many times have you played Candy Land."

    'God he's adorable- wait-' Bakugo barely caught himself on that one and was already sweetly smiling.

    "Ok only- actually a lot- wait a minute! Holy crap is THE Katsuki Bakugo..." *overly dramatic gasp* "...Smiling?! First he stutters and now he smiles? Tonight is truly a miracle." Kirishima starts uncontrollably laughing and Bakugo would be mad. In fact he would be furious right now if he wasn't so distracted with the gorgeous redhead boy in front of him.

(ok I know that was low on writing quality but while I was writing that I had just had a bad day and that was more for my own laughter instead of writing-)

    Once Kirishima began to calm down from the laughing that seemed like it went on forever but went by in a second for Bakugo, he continued to look through his games.

    "Okay so we have 'those games'." He said with air quotes.

    "Wait no I didn't mean like that kind of thing- oh god why is my mind going there- Ok no all I meant was the games you laughed at me for but for some reason I think this is worse."

    "Yes much worse but for once since you corrected yourself I will not laugh...Or at least not laugh on the outside." That last part was mumbled to himself but somehow with some hearing Kirishima managed to hear it.

    He walked over to Bakugo and sat on the small table in front of him. Crossing his arms and putting a pout on his face like he was around 6 and not 16.

    "What are you doing dumbass." Bakugo was genuinely confused with whatever it was that Kirishima was doing.

    "Well I thought it was obvious. I'm pouting."

    "What the hell are you. Six?"

    "No, of course I am much more older than you and much maturer."

    "Good grammar even from the six year old."

    Bakugo stood up to get away from Kirishima. Not because he was mad or anything, but because he was fighting the urge to burst out laughing.

    "Hey that's not fair where are you go-"

    Kirishima accidentally pulled Bakugo on top of him causing both of them to fall back onto the table.


    Bakugo was on top of him but not exactly laying on top of him. He was more propped up on his elbows and one knee.


    "Hey Bakugo?"

    'Guess it's my turn to flirt just a bit. This is gonna be hilarious'


    "Could I just ask. Why haven't you actually gotten off yet? I don't know, it's just that you took a whole 5 seconds at least just to say the two things you have said. Seems to me like you could have gotten off and then said them."


    Bakugo might have started blushing like crazy but he still stayed right where he was.

    "Hey Bakugo?"

    "What now?"

    "You still aren't off."


    Kirishima playfully pushes Bakugo onto the floor leaving him just laying there. Incredibly flustered and almost disturbingly red.

    'Well I guess now I know why his face has been so red this entire time. I think. Maybe. Eh who knows let's go play games.'

    "I say since you so rudely pinned me down to a table we get to play Candy Land first."

    "No way dumbass. Actually fine we can play the game but you were the one who pulled me down by pouting like a bratty child so don't blame this on me."

    "Hm..fine I'll accept that answer."


    "Mystery. Ok, Candy Land time!!"


Word count- 900-ish

This was..certainly odd and full of confusing energy but it was written in the hope to cheer me up on a bad day so I guess it works.

In the next part they will finally play the actual board game.

Also fun fact this sentence is an edit from the day after this was posted because all of the times it said Candy Land it originally said Candy Crush and I had to fix it

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Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night!!

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