Telling Aizawa

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Kirishima sat there, crying into Bakugo's shoulder. He knew he needed someone to help him like that, but he didn't know just how much he really did need it.

"I'm sorry...your shirt is all wet."

"It's ok. You know how many of these black tank tops I have, I wear them all the time." Bakugo said. Yes it was true he did wear them all the time but he jwas forgetting one small detail.

"Bakugo didn't you..didn't you blow up your closet."

"Shut up dumbass, I'll buy more." Bakugo hugged Kirishima tighter, trying to shut him up.

They sat like that for another couple minutes before Kirishima leaned back and positioned himself more comfortably sitting on the edge of the bed. His eyes were red, puffy, and a little bloodshot but it would go away so he tried to ignore it.

The silence filled the room. There was a little tension, but it was mostly comforting silence. However, as the quiet continued it started to grow a little awkward. Bakugo had his hands together and crossed and was staring at the ground. Kirishima was just looking out the one window in his room with his hands behind him, holding him up.

"Shitty Hair, are you going to eat the Katsudon or not, idiot?" Bakugo said, breaking the silence.

"Huh- oh um is that what you made? Yeah of course I'll eat it. Now that you mention it I'm starving."

"That's what happens when you stay up until 5 AM and don't wake up until 2 PM...dumbass." Bakugo snarled. Even in their awkward environment he could make snarky remarks...sort of.

Kirishima chuckled and picked up the lukewarm bowl of food. In the time they spent ignoring it, it had cooled down a fair amount. Not knowing what to say or look at while he was eating, Bakugo just went back to staring at the floor.

"Wow Bakugo this is really good! I knew you could cook and everything but wow!" Kirishima beamed.

"It's not that hard. Just eat it." Bakugo said. As much as he wanted to seem braggy and confident as usual he couldn't help but blush from the compliment.

"Is everyone awake already?" Kirishima asked once he had finished chewing.

"I don't know. Only Yaoyorozu was in the common area."

"Hey wait! What'd she do to get name privileges?" He questioned with a mouthful of food this time.

"Don't talk with food in your mouth dumbass it's gross and you could choke. Also it's not my fault she's the only one that isn't annoying me constantly."

"Wait I annoy you?" Kirishima teased while putting a fake pout on his face.


Kirishima gave a dramatic, shocked look and put down his katsudon while laughing. That was soon over when his eyes went wide and he just sat completely still.

"You ok shitty hair?"

"Aizawa. We managed to just forget about telling him."



Around an hour later. 3PM

Kirishima and Bakugo could have gone to find Aizawa but they knew he was going to be there to ask who was going to be off campus for the weekend so they waited. 

"Okay how are we going to phrase this. 'Oh he blew up half of his room so he's staying with me so someone can fix it. So can someone fix it?' We can't just say that." Kirishima ranted. He wasn't even the one that blew up the room and he was stressing more than Bakugo was.

"And why is that?" Bakugo was just sitting on the couch while Kirishima paced in front of him.

"Well- actually that might work I guess. But I'm not telling him."

"Alright fine. I'm the one that blew it up anyway. Now stop pacing you're making me dizzy."

"Oh sorry. Yaoyorozu is probably going to need to help. I hope she wasn't planning on leaving this weekend. Oh damn it wait- we were going to have an actual sleepover tonight. I'll go talk to Denki, you stay here and tell Aizawa."

Kirishima ran up to the floor that Denki's dorm was on, assuming he was still in there. Hopefully not asleep. While Bakugo just stayed downstairs and waited.

The second Aizawa walked through the door Bakugo walked over to him so he didn't have time to get into any conversations. He explained everything and Aizawa just responded by rolling his eyes and asking to see the damage.

"Bakugo how did you even manage to do this."

"Well I was frustrated and my room was being annoying."

"How does an inanimate thing act annoying? You know what? Neverminded, this might take a while though does Kirishima mind?"

"I don't know. He better not because I don't have anywhere to sleep after the Brain control dude took the extra dorm." Bakugo snarled, forgetting who he was talking to.

(sorry about this but by the way Shinso is Erasuremic's child in pretty much all of the things I write)

"Shinso? My son? That 'brain control dude'?"

"Um- yes him."


Bakugo half expected to get his ass beat on the spot but Aizawa just walked out of the room, probably going back to the majority of the students in the common area.

'I should go to Dunce Face's dorm and see if Shitty hair is done talking to him yet'


Ok the word count wasn't too bad today- 857

I'm still definitely getting back into writing the larger parts but we're going in the right direction at least.

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