My Danganronpa AUs

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But it's only the characters I have so far in Danganronpa Origins + the Tubbo, Wilbur, and Tommy AU.


Pat: Reminder that the earth is a hot, molten core surrounded by a solid crust, and is therefore ravioli

Marshie: I'm begging you to stop

Bryan, taking notes: No, no, let him finish


Tommy: Hey Tubbo, don't know if you noticed but I slipped into your lunch to say how much I love you

Tubbo: Thanks Tommy, that's really sweet but-

Tubbo, holding a 10 page letter: This is not a little note

(Tommy's aroace and demiromantic. Platonic love fuckers.)


Devin: Send me an angel. The nicest angel you have.

Nick: *crawls out of the depths of hell* AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA


Sally: How do tall people sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover them?

Wilbur: Sally, it's four o'clock in the morning

Sally: So you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?


Natalya: All of you can keep at it with that 'Romeo and Juliet fell in love in five days, how immature' stuff but Macbeth went from no murder to yes murder in one afternoon, and I feel like one of those is a significantly bigger problem than the other

Hinata: In his defense, his wife triple dog dared him and called him a pussy


Lili: Who's turn is it to give the pep-talk?

Hinata: *sighs* Tommy's

Tommy: Fuck shit up, but don't die

Tubbo: *wiping away a tear* Inspirational


Tommy and Tubbo got turned into kids!

Kid!Tommy: Pinkie promise me we'll get married in the future!

Kid!Tubbo: *links pinkie with Tommy* Pinkie Promise!

Wilbur, who had been put in charge of watching over them, watching the scene unfold: Cute


Marshie: I just want someone to take me out

Kaylee: Like on a date or with a sniper?

Marshie: Surprise me


Mario: I'm quick at math!

Ritchie: Okay, what's 36x48?

Mario: 72!

Ritchie: Mario... that's not even close

Mario: Yeah! But it was quick!


Jakey: How did I break my hand? Wrong answers only.

Mitch: Smacking the West Virginia Mothman statue's juicy metal ass so hard it shattered

Jakey: I said wrong answers only


Xylo: I was trying to say 'c'est la vie', but I forgot the phrase and so long story short I shrugged and said 'livin' la vida loca'


Fun facts about each character that appeared in this:

Tommy is nonbinary and goes by any pronouns (even neopronouns) and is the mastermind

Tubbo's hair is split in half (half brown, half blond) and he's the protagonist

Wilbur's hated for anteater's started in the Danganronpa game

Sally is the same Sally that Wilbur had Fundy with

Natalya is probably the only person who has multiple braincells

Lili learned how to waltz so she could dance with Natalya

Hinata is actually Hajime Hinata but Izuyu and him are separate people AND Hinata's a trans girl who doesn't have a new name yet

Marshie is the protagonist for Danganronpa Origins and is ready to throw hands 24/7

Pat actually acts really childish

Bryan never sleeps. Never.

Mario is really loud. He also dies.

Ritchie tried fighting a gorilla once

Xylo is the mastermind and a dumbass

Kaylee just vibes around

Jakey is actually very mean to everyone except Bryan. He dies before Brakey becomes canon cause he killed someone.

Mitch, the person who Jakey killed, is incredibly chaotic

Nick is the human equivalent of Stitch (also the antagonist)

Devin is a cinnamon roll who must be protected but also has a really weird sense of humour

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