The Protectors either being moods or concerning

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FTO but The Protectors need therapists. Really bad. *cough*NotasbadasFNAFBryan*cough*

Niks: Where's Mania?

Alex:  She's small, she's probably hiding under something


Kay: Dad, pass the salt

Lo'Pho: *gives her salt* Wait-

Kay, sobbing: You're my dad


Jakey: *using Bryan's phone*

Jakey: *sees contact named "love of my life"*

Jakey: Aw


Jakey: Wait, this isn't my number

Jakey: *calls number*

The recipient of the call: Hi and thanks for calling Chili's, would you like your regular nachos Mr. Divil?

Jakey, muttering under his breath: Son of a-


Elior: I have many hidden talents

Alex: Like what?

Elior: I don't know, they're hidden


Flight attendant: Before we take off, please make sure all small items are secure!

Kay: *snickers*

Lo'Pho: What?

Kay: Are you secure?

Lo'Pho: I will hit you!


Niks: I don't have energy for this

Bryan: Energy for what?

Niks: *gestures vaguely*


Lo'Pho: So, Kay, how was you're day?

Kay: This girl pushed me down the stairs.

Lo'Pho: Did you push her back?

Kay: No, she's bigger than me.

Lo'Pho: Uhuh... Bryan?

Bryan: I'm on it


Jakey: Question: When they shot Bambi's mother, did you find that moment sad... at all?

Bryan, who has not slept in what seems like months: I'm sure she's mounted on a nice wall in a fine home somewhere


Bryan: Life is meaningless, why am I even still here?

Alex: What happened?

Jakey: We didn't stop by Box Lunch.


Lo'Pho: Apparently, we're getting a new person

Bryan: Are you stealing them?

Jakey: New or used?

Lo'Pho: Wonderful responses, both of you


IHOP Waiter: Hello, welcome! And you guys are?

Mania: Hungry

Bryan: Tired

Jakey: Gay

Kay: Single

Niks, the one who took the other four there: The Protectors


Mania: I don't have problems!

Elior: Are you sure about that?

Mania: No!


Bryan walks into his room

Alex: Good morning Bryan!

Alex: You may be wondering why I'm stuck to your ceiling!


Jakey: T-this is f-for e-e-everyone i-i-in the o-other g-guilds w-who say I-I c-can't c-cuss

Jakey: F-f-f-f-f-f-f-

Jakey: Fuck *is said with so much confidence, it's not FTO Jakey anymore*


Kay: Why are you smiling?

Bryan: What, can't I smile because I feel like it?

Elior: Alex tripped and fell in the parking lot


Bryan, severely sleep deprived: Fill your bodies with cranberries so when a horse kills you, there's a surprise

Kay: I will give that horse no such luxuries!

Jakey: It's okay, we can add the cranberries after

Lo'Pho: What-


In the past

Bryan: Bye dad-


Bryan: I-

Lo'Pho: *tearing up* See you later son



Allumos: *Laughs* At your size!

Allumos: What are you going to do, kick me in the ankle?


Bryan: Why is Allumos crying on the floor?

Alex: Mania kicked him very hard in the ankle


Kay: I barked at Niks

Bryan: And I meowed at him

Kay: Then we started fighting like animals and now he won't come near us

Elior: *backing away* Don't come near me, please

Bryan: Two down, where's Alex-

Yeah, my version of FTO's Protectors need help and Bryan needs a sleep schedule. Bye.

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