Chapter 19

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~Still Johnathon's POV~

I soon arrived back home and was welcomed by the castle staff and some subjects. The coronation starts in a few hours. I got ready as well as my parents. 

It was time. 

~After the BORING coronation ~

~(Just think of Frozen during Elsa's coronation. It was similar to that but with a male and no running away.)~

I was now officially King of  Wistaria. I made preparations for the royal suite where my wife and I would be staying to get remodeled. I then started to do the normal duties of a king in my new study. The whole castle was basically remodeled to honor me. My parents decided that they will live in the palace until I get into a good routine with my wife. 

It was now evening and Princess Isabella still hasn't arrived. I still find it weird that they address her as Eliza, her middle name if her name is Isabella. It makes no sense to me. 

I was finishing up some work in my study when I heard a knock on my door. I called them in and saw as a guard came in looking extra happy. 


I asked the guard. 

Guard-"Her Highness had arrived."

That explains the happiness emitting from the guard. I sent him away politely and put away my work. I wouldn't be able to meet her outside but I would see her in the throne room. 

I made my way to the throne room and sat in my seat waiting for her to enter. I then saw her come in with her dirty blonde wavy hair flowing behind her like a cape. She still looked so beautiful even though you could tell she woke up not that long ago. 

I watched as she took in her surroundings. She then bowed her head which made me chuckle. She looked up with confusion written on her face. 

Me-"Sorry, it's just I'm-" 

I cut myself off as I didn't know why I laughed in the first place. 

Me-"Come. I will take you to your current room." 

I explained how the room we were supposed to share was under renovation. She went into her room and maids started to come in with her stuff. I then took my leave as I was completely clueless as to what I should do. 

Later, I decided it was time I ate my dinner. I was too busy to eat it earlier so I made my way to the dining room. I entered to see that Isabella had the same idea as me. She rose from her chair as a sign of respect but I simply motioned her to sit back down. The chef next to her bowed and then went back to ask her what she would like to eat. I noticed the clueless face she portrayed and walked towards her. I bent down to her ear and whispered softly to her to chose the Ceasar Salad. She blushed and that made me smirk. I walked back to my seat and saw the chef leave. 

Soon, the chef returned with her salad and my food. (He already knew what I wanted so there was no point in telling him earlier.) I watched as she ate with great posture. She made sitting properly look relaxing when in reality it isn't. We both finished our food and I saw as she was sitting there awkwardly. I then called the chef over. I told him to bring out the triple chocolate cake that he made for my coronation. He brought it out soon and came to me first showing it to me. I nodded in approval and told him to take it to Isabella. She sat there looking away as if she wasn't paying attention to the chef. 

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