Chapter 4-The Arrival

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I was in the carriage alone. Wondering where my "husband" was. I shrugged it off thinking that maybe he was at the kingdom hanging out with others...
The carriage ride was lonely. Not a single person was in there with me. I was alone the entire ride! Who does that? I mean I am a beautiful princess. How do I know there aren't any thieves planning something with me?
"Oh whatever!" I stated out loud.
I ended up falling asleep on the ride there. Luckily there was no traffic and we got there pretty fast. I left my kingdom around 9am and I am already arriving to the city gates and it is barely 11pm. It is a long ways away. The carriage soon stopped and the door opened. I was helped as I got out of the carriage. I looked at awe as I saw the beautiful castle. It lit up in the night looking so magical. I was then led to the throne room. "Wow! This castle looks even better in the inside. Maybe living here won't be so bad." I arrived in front of the king. Not realizing that it was my husband I bowed down. He looked at me and chuckled.
I looked at him confused. He took notice of my confusion and apologized.
-"Sorry for laughing. It's just that you bowed before me and...well um..." he looked at me scratching the back of his neck.
-"You must be tired. Let me show you to where you will be staying for a while." He then led me through a corridor. I looked at the many doors through the hallway.
-"Here. This is where you will stay until the master suite is done being renovated."
I looked at him and nodded.
-"You know, your pretty quiet."
The reason I was so quiet was because I didn't know what to do. I was embarrassed to be in his presence.
-"Um do you need anything?"
He said. I looked at him and politely said that I would be fine. It was then awkwardly quiet. The maids came in with my stuff. They started to unpack quickly. My husband then left.
As he left my stomach growled loudly. The maids noticed and started to chuckle. I chuckled nervously and asked if there was any food already prepared that I could eat. One of the maids offered to take me to the dining room for some late dinner. I nodded yes and followed as she led me through the magnificent castle. I didn't think a castle could be so big and bright.
We got to the dining room and is at a chair. I nervously asked what I could eat. The maid brought out the cook. They told me that I could eat anything I wanted to eat.
As I thought of what would be good to eat, the king(aka her husband) entered the dining room. He noticed that I sat at the table thinking of what to eat. As soon as I realized who it was I stood up immediately to show respect. He looked at me and signaled me to sit back down. The chef then broke the silence and asked again what I would like to eat. I thought for awhile until the king came over and whispered something in my ear. I was taken by surprise and blushed as I felt the warm breath in my ear.
-"You should try the Cesar Salad." Was what he whispered. I then looked at the chef and asked for the salad he had mentioned. The king smirked and walked back to his seat. The chef then took his order and went to the kitchen to prepare it. I sat there in silence and in embarrassment. My cheeks were pink. "Ahhhh!!! What did he do to me?!" I thought in my head.
The chef came out and gave us our food. He went back to the kitchen and the king and I ate our food. To be honest, the food was so delicious.
After I finished the salad, I wanted something sweet. So I just sat there. I was waiting for the king to exit so I can order dessert and not be so embarrassed. He was still eating. Suddenly, he called the chef over. The chef walked in and went to the king. The king motioned for the chef to come closer. He then whispered something into the chef's ear. The chef left and the king had a small smile on his face. I was in so much confusion. What did he whisper to the chef? Why was he smiling?
The chef came out with a silver platter with a cover on top. He went to the king and lifter the cover slightly so only the two of them could see what was on the platter. I looked away so it looked like I didn't care but I actually wanted to know so badly.
The King nodded to chef in approval. The chef walked over to me and set the platter down on my side. He lifted the cover to reveal a slice of chocolate cake. I was so surprised that I looked up at the King. He nodded to me as if saying it was for me. I then smiled and nodded back to be respectful. The chef left the room and me and the king were by ourselves. The guards were outside of the room at the entrance. I took a small bite. The chocolate cake with rich chocolate icing was so good. I couldn't stop. I ate the whole slice almost wanting more. The King saw me eat my cake and as I was finishing he left. I then called for my maid and asked to be led back to the room. As I entered the room I saw all my stuff already in drawers, dressers, and more. I looked in awe for I was only gone for less than an hour. It was now 12am and I was getting into the bath. As I was soaking in the bubbly warm water, I thought about the day and the marriage. I mean I hardly knew anything of the King. He was a total mystery to me. Did he even know anything of me?

So I made this chapter extra long because I just got carried away. I'm really having fun writing this so it just went a little to far. But I don't think you guys would really mind. I'm also think that about 600-1,000 words each chapter would be a good length. And only posting a chapter on the weekends. So if look forward to reading a new chapter on Friday-Sunday. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Thank you.

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