Chapter 6-Training & Worry

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Me-"Can I ask a favor if you?" I said hesitantly.
Maid-"Miss, I will do as you wish. No need to ask a favor."
She replied with confidence.
Me-"I wish to learn how to use a sword." I said fast and loud enough fto her to here.
Maid-"Miss! That is against our rules as-"
I cut her off rudely.
Me-"I am aware of that, but I wish to learn. I have nothing else to do in this palace. Might as well learn how to defend myself if the time may ever come."
Maid-"Ok miss. I will arrange in your schedule for this to happen. What if someone finds out? The King could have my head as well as yours!" She said softly.
I knew she would ask this. That is why I asked her for a favor; not an order.
Me-"I know I ask a lot of you but if the time comes and he finds out, I will defend you. If the worse we're to come than I shall I go through it with you."
Maid-"Miss...why would you risk your life for a servant such as me?" She asked with a tear almost begging to fall.
Me-"Because you aren't a servant in my eyes; you are friend and I am asking for your help."

It has been a few weeks and I have gotten used to how things are going. Once a day the King would request my presence and I would obey. We would eat lunch silently with no communication and then he would leave. After lunch I would go train with my new friend: the maid aka Lilian. She used to work for the previous King as a body guard but wanted to calm down. She still wished to work under the royal family but in a job less stressful. It was pure coincidence that she happened to be my maid. Or was it?
Anyway the King hasn't suspected a thing or maybe he has but doesn't care. Either way I am still learning how to defend myself.
I really have grown to like the castle and the people within. I grew attach to the people of the kingdom every time I went out. My life was enjoyable; I just wished for a little love. I knew I was loved by my family back home, but here I was sorta lonely. Not one person can hug me and talk to me normally. They all fear me and the King.

One day as I was getting ready to go to lunch with the King, my maid came to me. She told me that the King had canceled our lunch due to some other plans.
I thought to myself that maybe he was with another. But then the thought occurred to me; I never once saw another mistress(concubine) in the palace. Nor has the staff mentioned anyone.

This strange behavior went on for a couple of weeks. I began to grow worried that maybe he barely found out about my actions of training, or maybe he just didn't like my presence anymore.
I questioned many possibilities but knew that I would never get an answer without asking. As it was drawing closer to lunch I waited for me to be summoned. He never did and food was brought to my door. It was time I got to the bottom of this.
As the halls were clear of maids and servants, I walked to his study. I had remembered the way and have also been shown around the palace when I first got here.
It was the day I woke up late due to the King letting me sleep in. How embarrassing.
I slowly approached the study and lifted my hand to knock. My whole body trembling as I knock and heard an answer.
??-"Come in." Was all I heard.
I enters the study and walked closer and closer as my body still shook in fear.
King-"How can I help you?" His voice the same as the one who answer to my knock. He asked without even looking at who had entered.
Me-"Your majesty. I have grown worried that I have done something wrong or in some way have offended you." I said still shaking while m in head hung low.
King-"Why would you ever think that?" He said as he looked at me.
Me-"I feel as if I have been forgotten or neglected. I would at least wish to know if there was a reason." (I was still looking down)
King-"Please sit, and raise your head." He said this harshly sounding annoyed. "Great I made him mad" I thought in my head. I obeyed him and sat while slowly lifting my head to face him.
King-"Why do you feel as such?"
Me-"I am uncertain of why, but know what I am feeling." I tried to be as polite as possible due to the fact that he still sounds mad.
King-"Could it perhaps be that I no longer join you for lunch that these feelings have come?" He asked compassionately.
I didn't want to make him feel guilt nor embarrass myself and sound like a clingy person.
King-"I ask that you forgive me for stopping. I had come to the conclusion that you would rather eat on your own so you could get to your training."
"Wait...What?!?!?!?" I thought in my head as I processed what he had said.
My eyes arose and met his with confusion, worry, and embarrassment. He looked at my eyes and must've noticed what I was thinking and made a small chuckle.
King-"You act surprised that I knew of your actions."
I looked down in remorse for I have broken a rule and put my friend(maid) in danger.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and will continue to read the series. I apologize for any mistakes in grammar or not being able to clarify the feelings of the character. I just want to inform you that this story is long always from being done and if I manage to finish this book before New Years I will make one on the King's POV(point of view)

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