Change of things

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He is been ignoring me since that incident happened. I tried everything to make him talk to me but no avail. These cores in the damiwon weren't helping me at all. I was asked to do so much that I have very less time for myself. I sighed when I saw my bed. finally, I can rest. I jumped on the bed and closed my eyes. my eyes opened when I felt something hard on my back.

I got up and checked the paper which was on my bed. I read the letter and frowned when I realized it must be from Prince Wang. I decided to go and see what he wants. "Prince Wook" I greeted him as soon as I went there. "Soo~ah" he smiled making me smile too. "For a minute I thought you wouldn't come" he said making me smile awkwardly. "I am sorry, I was busy with chores" he signalled me to sit beside him. "What do you wanted to talk about?" he glanced at me from side. "I have been thinking about it"

"I don't want you to suffer here anymore" I turned towards him confused. "Why don't we run away?" my eyes widened at his sentence. "What?" I yelled surprised. "I promised Lady Hae that I will take care of you and I know you are not happy here" I am sure this isn't how the conversation happens in the drama. "But King will kill you if he knows about it"

"I will take care of it" he turned to me grabbing my shoulders. "The point is do you like me?" I think I already cleared it to him. "Prince Wang" I took his hands away. "I really respect you but I don't have any feelings for you" I looked at him. "Please don't worry about me. I am fine here. I will get used to it"

"Are you sure about it?" he seemed hurt by my words. "I am. I don't want to lose someone like you over this conversation" he smiled realizing my words. "You wouldn't" I got up from the floor. "Can I leave first then?" he nodded his head. "Take care of yourself. You are still precious to me" I smiled bowing to him as a joke. I left the place after that. I know people will think I am mad for leaving him but I think it is for the best.

I don't want to ignite something when I know in the end it will not work out. It will only complicate the things between three of us. I plopped on my bed and sighed thinking about everything. I have been helping crown prince with his illness behind Lady Oh. I know she will find about it soon.

*Next day*

It did happen like I thought it will. I was coming back from crown prince when Queen Yoo summoned me. Lady Oh told her off but she slapped me for getting involved in prince matters. I know she only want the best for me but I couldn't sit calm. I made my way to her office knowing she didn't eat anything. "Lady Oh" I peeked inside her room. "What are you doing here?"

"I brought porridge for you" I pushed the door and placed the bowl on her table. "I am not hungry" I rolled my eyes at her tough act. "Stop with it. I am sure it will help in soothing the pain" I forced her to take a bite. "Why do you do this?" I smiled at her cheekily. "I can't sit and watch when I know I can help others. I guess that's how I have been"

"I am scared this might put you in trouble" I looked at her worried face. "I have been through worse than this" I told her reminiscing my life in the future. "You know in the future there going to be lot of medicines which will heal all these diseases" she smiled faintly. "Can you read the future too now?"

"Maybe I can" she laughed thinking I am bluffing. "I have to go, finish it completely before you leave" I sternly told her before walking out. I need to prepare the makeup for Prince So since he will need it. Prince So name has been selected for the rain ceremony. He was humiliated by everyone in the village. I thought it might have been sad for him but now that I am here, it feels worse.

I do know the medicine and make up items to cure his scar but I am having difficulty in finding it since they are in the form. I tried combining different things to get the complexion but I have failed multiple times. I decided to take a break since I am tired.

I walked aimlessly and ended up standing at the lake Prince So told me about. I walked in and saw he was laying in the boat with his eyes closed. I walked closer and looked at him intently. "You are going to pierce a hole with that gaze" I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized I have been caught. "What are you doing here all alone?"

"It is none of your business" I frowned at his rudeness. "Why are you so mad at me? you too know that I didn't do it" I said referring to Prince Eun birthday. "I apologized too but you are still mad at me" he looked at me when my voice cracked. "I wasn't intended to come here but since I am here, I wanted to check on you"

"Why?" he looked at me. "I have seen you in the rain ceremony" he rolled his eyes clenching his jaw. "So, you must pity me too" I shook my head. "I don't, I just wanted to tell you that you shouldn't worry about it either" I got in the boat slowly. "People will forget it sooner or later. It won't matter in the long run"

"Why are you like this?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I decided to live like I want to" he got up I don't know what for which made me lose balance. "Ahh" I screamed in surprise but he pulled me down stopping me from falling in the water. My breath hitched when I realized how close we were. I watched his eyes which moved from my eyes to my lips. It felt like water splashed over me when I realized what could happen. I pulled away from him and sat on the boat. "I should get going" I got up and left the place quickly. 

Author Note:

Hello readers... So I am just focusing on the parts only which I am changing. Comment your thoughts and vote while reading.


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