Prince my foot

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*Flashbacks are all from the present time and in Y/n life*

Y/N (as Hae Soo):

"Hae Soo~ah" I flinched when I heard the bang on the door. I know I am supposed to act as I know them but I couldn't handle it. Now, I understand how Ha Jin felt at that time in the drama. I was scared to open the door and go out.

"I don't want a granddaughter. You know she can't handle the company" he shouted at my parents. "But dad, we can teach her everything. I can't abandon them" he tried to stop him by holding his hand. "I don't care. Either give me a boy or marry other girl" he said in return. "But you know she can't give birth to another kid. She has health issues"

"I don't care" he shook off his grip making my dad fall. "Appa" I cried and the man glared at me. "You are the reason everything is happening" I curled myself in to my dad arms afraid of him. "I won't forgive you for this"

That was the day my grandpa kicked us out of our home leaving us on the road. He sold all the properties that were on my dad name. Even though they never blamed me directly, I know I was the reason for it. I wasn't able to get that out of my head after that.

I am scared I will not be accepted here too and I can't go back either. So, what should I do? I snapped out of my thoughts when the door was broken. "Hae Soo" I looked up and saw Prince Wook standing there. "I know you are scared and worried but we will be with you. You don't have to worry about anything. You can do whatever you want" he offered me his hand asking me to come out. Since I don't have much of an option, I took his hand and went out.

"Hae Soo~ah" lady Hae hugged me as soon as I went out. "Don't ever scare us like that again" I hugged her back apologizing her. I went to sleep after talking for a while. When I woke up in the morning Chaeryung told me Prince Wook is looking for me. I went to library where he called me for. "You wanted to see me?"

"I want to discuss about your condition" I frowned then remembered this is where he asks me to go back home. "I want to stay if that is what you want to talk about" he looked at me surprised. "How do you know that I am going to ask you that?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I guessed it" he nodded his head at me. "Ok, I don't mind what you do but make sure you don't worry lady Hae" I smiled at him. "I won't. Thanks for letting me stay"

Time went by and I pretended to forget some things just in case I get in trouble. Chaeryung explained me the details I needed to know. I already know most of things she said but I pretended to not know. I was enjoying the weather and nature by walking at park. I must stay they have beautiful sights and the weather is much better than our present time. It could be due to the pollution we did in the current time.

"Lady Soo" I turned around and saw chaeryung come to me. "Yes?" she pointed to the direction she came from. "Princess Yeonhwa is looking for you" I pointed to myself confusedly. "Me?" she nodded her head and ushered me to follow her. I sighed and followed her knowing it won't be for good. "Princess Yeaonhwa" I bowed to her though I wasn't interested to. She may smile and act nice but I know how cruel she can be for the throne. "Prince Wook told me about your accident. You seem to be recovered" she said smiling cunningly.

"Why don't you help us with the work?" I smiled at her but inside I know she don't mean any good by that. "Since you need fresh, you can prepare glue" lady Hae and Chaeryung looked at me worried. "Ok, I will do that" I left the room irritated by her. Just like IU I started making glue which was indeed hard to do. That was until I saw Jimong leaving the palace.

I followed him to ask him if he know any way of getting back to future. Since I didn't come from water park like Ha Jin I don't know what to do. I missed him in the middle of the market and wandered around hoping to find him. Instead, I ended up near the forest. "Aish, I should have stayed in the palace" I hit my forehead for my stupidity. I decided to go back and ask for help when someone pulled me in to them. "Ahh" I shrieked in surprise.

I fell on the ground with a thud and opened my eyes after a minute. I looked up and saw a horse cart with the goods drive off the way. Does that mean he was trying to save me? "You?" I looked at him shocked. "It's you again" Prince So causally said pushing me away. "Yah~" I hit his back for pushing me like that. "Yah? Don't forget you are talking to a prince" I scoffed at his words. "Prince my foot" I looked at him. "You can't hurt me and just go like that"

"My what?" he looked baffled at my speech. "Don't act like that just because you are a prince" I poked his chest warning him. "Don't touch me again" he warned me stopping my movement by catching my hand firmly. "Then don't treat me like this" I pouted madly. "You are really weird" he mumbled after staring at me for a while. He got up on his horse and left me alone on the street. I watched him as he left wondering how could he be like that.

I think I forget the storyline when I get mad. But it did change a little by how reacted. Does that mean it won't be same? Then how can I survive this place till the end?

Author Note:

Hello readers...

I will write Y/n struggles as well as the drama plot in the chapters.

I will try to upload twice a week. Comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote while reading.


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