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"I have decided" I went to her and told her firmly. "I hope you won't regret it later" she seemed to know my answer already. "Still, I will hear it and let you choose" she gestured for me to tell her. "I will go back" she frowned at me. "You want to go back to your old life?" I shook my head instantly. "No, I mean I want to go back to palace" she seemed relaxed for a second which made me confused. "I know it might seem foolish but I want to go there and save as many people I can"

"I know you will choose this" she smiled at me. "Since, you have decided. I will let you go back to where you want to go" I looked at her waiting for her to continue speaking. "I will also give something which will help you out there" she went inside and I heard some noises of searching pots. "Here" she handed me a small bottle. "Drink this when you feel helpless" I looked at the bottle. It has some liquid in green colour which seemed like potion from those witch craft movies. "Ok"

"Remember, drink only when you feel helpless and while drinking think about the problem which you want to be solved" I grabbed the bottle in my hand and closed my eyes when she gestured me to close them. I felt like something hit me hard. I gasped when I felt like air knocked out of me. suddenly, everything cleared and all I hear is silence. I opened my eyes and realized I am in my old room. I got up and tripped over my dress.

I walked out after adjusting my dress. "Court Lady Hae, Are you alright?" I frowned at the maids. "Why?" they looked at each other worried. "You fainted at the bath place when the king killed previous king" my eyes widened at her words. "What do you mean the king killed someone?" she flinched at my voice. "Prince Yo killed the king and became the new king. So, it means I missed the sequence of the story again.

"What else happened?" they filled me with the details and I cursed myself for taking so much time in coming back. They told me Prince So was asked to find Prince Eun and killed him for treason of the king. He has killed all the members of Eun family except Prince Eun and his wife. "Where is Prince So?" I asked her after listening to her. "He is at the market with Baek~ah I think" I looked at her excited after getting an idea. "Can you tell I am resting if anyone comes to visit me?"

"Sure, the king has informed us to let you rest for a day" I asked her to leave after thanking her. once I was sure she left I grabbed my coat and sneaked out of my room. I tiptoed the hallway looking cautiously until I bumped in to someone. "You?" she clasped my mouth with her hand and signalled me to be quiet. "Come with me" I dragged them back to my room and locked the door. "What are you both doing here?"

"The king has given the order to kill us" Soondeok whispered in my ear so that he won't hear it. "We are planning to leave in four days" he explained me that there is a boat through which they can leave the place. "No" I shook my head at them. "They are looking for you everywhere. It would be hard to hide for four days here" he frowned and they both looked at me confused. "I know someone who can help you guys" I got the coat again. "Stay here and don't come out until I come back. I will tell you when I am back here"

"Can we trust you though?" Soondeok asked me uncertainly. "I am sure you already know the answer to it. you wouldn't be here if you didn't trust me" she rolled her eyes at me. "He said we can trust you" I thanked them and made a promise to come back soon. I walked to the market area and started looking for Prince So.

"Prince So" I walked towards him when I spotted him at a food place. "What are you doing here?" he asked me worried that someone might notice me. "I need to discuss something with you" I looked to side and saw Baekah and Woohee. "What is it?" I signalled them to follow me. "I know where Prince Eun is" I raised my hand to let them finish me. "I want your help in sending him away from here"

"I heard there are some boats leaving in four days" Baekah replied to me. "It would be too long. we can't hide them here for that long" I thought for a while. "We can send them with Woohee and ask help from General Park" she looked at me surprised. "I am being watched by the king men. I don't think it would be good idea" Prince So cut her off. "We will make a situation and throw a fake bait. Since you already informed you are leaving, he won't suspect you"

"I think he is right" Baekah agreed with him. "I will come with you now and we will find a way to get them out of the palace without anyone knowing" I snapped my fingers. "I know a path which can help them in escaping" we discussed the basic plan and everything seemed to be ok. Prince So will talk to General Park and Baekah and Woohee will arrange things for their departure. I will return to palace and help them escape that way.

"What will do once they escape?" Prince So asked me once they left. "Would you like to become the king?" I asked him smiling to which he seemed stunned. Since I remember everything, I will make him the king and finish this story on a happy note. That is my plan for returning. 


Author Note:

Hello readers... Soon this book will end. I am not planning to drag it for so long. I hope you like this chapter.

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