Am I dreaming?

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*Present Time*

"Sent me the documents I asked for meeting" I ordered my assistant through phone. "Yes ma'am. Anything else?" I heard her type in to the system. "That's all. Good night" I hang up the call and throwed it away on the bed. I groaned when I heard phone ring again. "Hello?"

"Why so moody?" my best friend Jian said from the other side. "Its just work is stressing me out" I whined to her. "Why don't you take a break?" I scowled at her words. "And do what?" I heard her reply which made me more angry. "Watch some dramas"

"Last time I watched the drama you said, I ended up more stressed" I heard her gasp. "But that is one of the best dramas so far" I rolled my eyes at her comment. "May be but it didn't have a happy ending" she chuckled knowing me. "But it is just a drama and I know you wouldn't have watched it if I said it has a sad ending"

"Why do you lie though?" I asked her curious. "You know I am huge fan of Baekhyun and I needed someone to share my fangirling" I tsked at her. "I can't believe the drama characters. Like why would Hae Soo leave him like that after everything they did? Can't she find an alternative to that?" Jian laughed at my comments. "Would you choose something else then?"

"Of course, I wouldn't give up on my love so easily like her" I told her honestly. "We will see that if you ever face that situation" I fell on my bed closing my eyes. "I have to go. I actually called to let you know that I cancelled the meeting tomorrow so I will give you update on it later" she hung up before I could ask her. I heard ding from the phone so I checked it and the message from Jian.

Good night Y/n~ah

I throwed it away not bothering to reply and closed my eyes. Still thinking about the drama, I watched I fell asleep. I got up and sat in the balcony of my pent house from where I can see the whole city. I really wish I could just leave all this. It is too much of headache to handle these tasks. Why is my life so boring? I kept thinking about my life until I fell asleep.

I woke up to the light piercing through my face. I squinted my eyes and kept my hand to stop the light. "Can anyone shut the goddamn light?" I groaned in annoyance when no one answered me. I am going fire all of them if they behave like this again. I got up to leave but fell down instantly. I looked at myself and saw I am wearing some kind of traditional dress. Wait a minute

I was wearing pyjamas last night. Then who did change my dress? No one has the access to my house except Jian. I looked around and saw I am in some kind of public place. I got up gathering the skirt in my hand and walked forward looking around. I was hoping to find someone or something so that I can understand where I am. I was looking around that I didn't realize I bumped in to someone.

"Ouch" I fell to the ground from the impact. "Yeah, can't you see where you are going?" I rubbed my head from the pain. "You do have guts to speak to me this way" I looked up to scold him but my eyes widened when I saw the person in front of me.

Lee Joon Gi as 4th Prince Wang So

"Are you here?" he kicked my leg and I snapped out of my stance. "Next time I won't leave you alive" he left after warning me. I sat on the ground stunned from what I experienced. I must be dreaming about it. I mean how can I be with him like this. I know this is a drama which I watched recently. I must be dreaming since I watched it non stop.

I got up from there and walked ahead. I saw the bath house which I remember from the drama. IU comes to this era from this place, right? Maybe I should see what is happening here. I walked inside to check what is happening. I peeked through the pillars and saw the scene where they discuss about Wang So. I scoffed internally when I thought about their gossips.

These boys are worst than us in gossiping. I was waiting for IU to appear and the drama to unfold when my leg slipped. I screamed and fell in to the water. I gulped some water in scare so I coughed to breath. when I opened my eyes, I saw in the outside bath place. "Lady?" I heard someone call. "Lady, come out"

"Me?" I asked her confused. I know she is Chaeryung who is a maid of Hae Soo in the drama. "Come fast" I ran towards knowing I will be in trouble if I stay there any longer. She dragged me outside and I saw I am at the place where this drama starts. I started hyper venting which made me fall. Last thing I heard was Chaeryung shouting my name.

I woke up to find myself in a room with a cloth on my head. I removed it and sat on the bed. "Soo~ah?" I looked at my right and saw lady Hae and Chaeryung. "Are you ok?" I nodded my head. "But why are you calling me Hae Soo?" she looked at me weirdly. "Cause you are Hae Soo" I was about to deny but I recalled the events and my eyes widened when I realized what happened.

I landed myself in the drama as Hae Soo. No freaking way....

Author Note:

Hello readers... I am trying drama book again. Hope you like it. Let me know your thoughts and vote while reading :)


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