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"Stop the horse" I looked around in panic to see what happened. "The king ordered to bring her with us" I held Prince So hand in fear. "I can't let you do that" he sighed in frustration. "You know you will be punished if you disobey the orders of the king" I know it is the end for me. I can't runaway anymore. "It's ok, I will go"

"Are you sure?" I know he is asking me if I will be ok. I nodded my head smiling at him. "I will be fine" I won't be fine anymore. I know I will face lot of obstacles in the place I am going to. But it is better this way than to have them punished. I don't want anyone to die because of me. I don't think I can take that.

I was at the palace getting ready to the ceremony. "Please come miss" one of the maids signalled me to get inside where the Lady Oh was waiting. I sighed and got inside. "Hello miss" she bowed to me which I returned with a brief smile. "We need to prepare you for the king" I hummed in reply knowing I can't waste my energy on shouting at them. I went along with everything they asked me to cause I know what is happening. I didn't bother asking or objecting it.

Once I was done with all the checks, they asked me to wait in the room. I started thinking about my situation and soon I closed my eyes feeling exhausted from the stress.

*Present Life*

"Y/n?" I woke up when someone shook me. I looked around and realized I was in my parent's bedroom. I must have slept after crying last night. Ever since they died this became my routine. I would faint from crying a lot or from the stress. Jian was worried but I shut her down. I wanted to be alone for now.

"Your grandfather came" I got up when servant informed me about it. "Get ready and come downstairs. He wants to have breakfast with you" I frowned. He never bothered to do it. then why now? I got ready and went down to check what it is about.

"Good morning Y/n" I was surprised cause he never greets me at all. "Ah- morning" I sat in the chair and started eating. "I had a meeting with Mr. Lee yesterday. He proposed an idea to make our relation in the business stronger" I frowned in confusion not knowing where this conversation was going. "He asked me to give your hand to his son" I stared at him shocked.

"But I can't marry a stranger" I didn't want to marry like this. I wanted to date like normal people and find my real happiness. I was to busy proving my grandpa wrong I didn't get to enjoy my school and college life. Now when I am adult, he is forcing me to marry someone I didn't even met. "I have a meeting in the evening. You are coming with me to finalize the things" I glared at him "No, I don't agree to this marriage"

"I don't care. It is final"


I woke up from the sleep in panic. I still remember that day. I try to convince him but he never listened. I decided to run away but I promised mom I would listen to my grandpa. I was looking for a chance to cancel this marriage. I was hoping the guy would reject me but his parents told me he agreed. I never met him officially. They just planned it and announced it to media about it. It was supposed to take place in a month. I don't know what is happening there now.

I always wanted to meet the guy and have a love story like my parents did. I can't get married against my will. I can't even imagine it. I need to think of a plan to stop this marriage. "The king is waiting for you" my head snapped to my right where a maid was standing. They adjusted my dress and did the touch up to my makeup. I walked with her to the chambers that were prepared for tonight.

I was aware what was going to happen today. I stopped when they reached the door. "You can wait inside" I got in and started acing around the room. I need to think of something. I know Prince So and Prince Wook will not be able to stop him.

"Just get out of my way" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the king voice. "My king" I looked outside and saw both the princes pleading him. "There is no reason for me to stop this marriage" I looked at them both who were staring at me worriedly.

"I will have to punish you both if you continue doing this" the king sighed in irritation. "Please listen to us" he signalled to the guards and they grabbed them both. "Let's continue with the marriage" I sighed knowing I only have one option left.

"I will give that reasonmy king" I took the glass bowl and dropped it on the floor. I took a piece fromit and slit my wrist. "I cannot be your bride since if I have a scar on my body"I know I shouldn't have done this but this is the only option left for me. "Youare more courageous than a man" he commented and I smiled knowing I succeededin avoiding the marriage. I fainted after that from the blood loss. I know I willescape this marriage now but I don't know if I will survive this cut cause I slitit bit deep.

Author Note:

Hey guys... Italic font in the story is current life of Y/n. I hope you don't get confused.

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