Marriage Issue

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"I want to be the queen" as expected Princess called me and told me her motive of becoming the queen. She has been trying to convince me or black mail me since she came here. "I think this is something the king should decide on" she smirked at me. "I can make him agree to it" I raised my eyebrow at her. "You think so"

"You cannot become the queen" she raised her voice. "All you need is a single room like this. A girl like you can never be a queen" I smiled at her words. "You don't know one thing about me though" I moved closer to her. "I love proving others wrong" I smirked at her which made her shocked. "I will become the queen whether you like it or not" I was about to leave but she spoke stopping me. "A queen can't have scar on her body"

I looked at my hand where the small mark lied. "You have to let him go if you want him to be the king for long time" I turned around and smiled at her. "I wish you all the luck for your effort though it will be in vain" her face flushed in anger and she got from her seat. "I will make him mine" I nodded my head. "I will see that" with that she walked away from my room.

I walked around the castle to avoid negative thoughts and ended up going to Jimong room. "Lady Hae" I smiled and bowed to him. "Aren't you with the king?" he shook his head. "I am still searching for something to use against the prince" he sighed looking around the place. "It doesn't seem same anymore. They all used to play and hang out like brothers. But see what happened now" he said. "It is bound to happen. They are not just brothers. They are the heirs of the king"

"Then why are you trying to change it?" I looked at him surprised. "You have seen what happens to the people in the palace. I think it is best if you give up on becoming the queen" I chuckled unfazed by his words. "Are you supporting princess too?" I tsked at him. "I didn't expect you to oppose me" he sighed loudly. "It is not that I am supporting her but I think should let her be the queen. It is good for both of you"

"I know you are only trying to help but trust me on this, I know what I am doing" I talked to him for a while then left the place. "Your highness" I bowed to the prince so. It is still hard to call him the king. "I didn't see you from morning" he looked mad which made me chuckle. "I didn't want to disturb you" he hummed in reply. "How is the work?" I asked him watching all the scrolls around him. "Things are getting settled sooner than I thought"

"I heard Woo Hee talked to Baekah. They want to spend some time in her village" I smiled happily for them. "I am so happy for them" he laughed at my expression. "I heard princess approached you" his face lost all the smile and I regretted asking about it. "I told her no" I hummed in reply thinking about it. "But they convinced me a lot and thanks to them I found about the culprit" I looked at him curious to see who it was. "It was Chaeryoung"

"What?" he explained me how she was spying on me from the start and all. I couldn't believe I forgot this important information. "Did you punish her?" he shook his head. "I wanted to tell you first" I thought about what to do. "Can you let her go to her village?" he seemed mad at my question. "I can't do that. I need to punish her for her crime" I bit my lip. "I know she was wrong but you can show some mercy and say she helped us find the culprit"

"People will think I am framing them using her" he is right. She has been my servant since I came here. people will doubt his intentions if he do that. "I have ordered to investigate Won about it. I am sure he will tell us the truth in pressure" I listened to his plans and schedules whole evening. "If we do that Princess family will lose their power and I don't have to marry her"

He is planning to punish Wook, princess and mom by house arresting them. This way, he won't be doubted for his position and he don't have to marry princess either. Since he is helping other kingdoms, they are in his favour. Only problem is me. I need to get rid of my mark and has to bring some power to my family line. That way I won't be questioned on my marriage. But my family was punished for betraying the king. Then how will I get it back.

"Don't strain your brain too much" he tapped my head. "Everything will be fine" I smiled at him. "You should rest. I will come later" I nodded and went back to my new room. I decided to leave the matter to him since he is handling good enough. I opened the box and looked at the thing that lady gave me that day. I opened the box and took the bottle in my hand. Will this really work?

If it does, should I try it now? I mean I won't have worse problem than this if I stay here. with that I opened the bottle and drank wishing for my marriage with him and others approval on it. 

Author Note:

Hello readers... I am sorry for the late update. 

Two more chapters and the story will be done. I hope you enjoy this.

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