Chapter 11: Meeting

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-Third's PoV-

      Tsurugi was reunited with ishuguro and Kuroki-san, as usual, the least he wanted to be doing at the moment was his current action: hear to what those two wanted him to do and, by his plays during the match, it was going to be a worning for him.

"You participated on their victory today, Tsurugi, are you turning your back to us?" Ishiguro demanded the teen, who wanted to stop staring into those cold eyes. he had felt the need to protect that boy during the game, yet, he felt as if he had ignored his brother's situation.

"No, sir, I would never!" The hazel eyed boy incriased his volume, even if he hated to be enrolled in this reunions, he needed to let him know there is no way for him to coward away.

"Great, we still have faith in you, Tsurugi." The Holly Emperor assured Tsurugi, but he added one last thing before he let the striker go. "If you dare to disobey us, forget about your brother's surgery." His voice had turned cold in that moment and all he wanted to do was give them his back, he was conscious that, he couldn't do for now. He bowed at them both, he needed some time for himself.

Next day, Tenma woke up with a stinging pain on his arms, it was slightly difficult to ignore. he had to. In some minutes, he had already eaten breakfast and was ready to go to Raimon; he waved Aki good-bye. He was just passing by the Riverbank, when he saw his tiny friend practicing, he smiled to himself at the effort the tiny one was doing, to reach a ball hanging from a branch. 

"Hey, Shinsuke, I'll pass the ball over to you!" He offered and so, time passed. Full Thurdell Jump was a mixture of a high jump and a heading to send back a shoot, sadly, they were too concentrated on that, they did not realised how late they were for  morning practice.

"Formations B!" Takuto yelled, they overheard that Kirino would start playing in a couple of days. The thing Tenma noticed the most was Tsurugi, who wasn't there, and he should be there, he had played in the last match with them; maybe he had so much level he didn't need to practice.

"We are sorry for being late!" Tenma and Shinsuke excused themselves.

"Don't make this a habit!" Takuto said to the both of them. Shinsuke then excitedly proceed to explain te new technique he had started trining earlier that day.

"I have a question, where is Tsurugi?" Tenma asked to no one in particular.

"Maybe he was called?" Hayami said, stuttering. Tenma nod to that, of course, he had seen that last night he had stared at the man in black. Then, Shinsuke asked:

"What was Fifth Sector created?" Many stared at him in disbelieve, he had been playing with them for some months, surely he had to know! Sangoku  shook his head and decided to inform the tiny one.

"Fifth Sector was created  to protect the Fifth rule of the junior soccer law, which states: Soccer shall be loved equally, the value of victory shall be equally distributed." The keeper told the defender. 

"But now we are going to bring real soccer back, right guys?" A huge yes was heard right after the captain stopped speaking, a huge grin on everyone's face. Practice kept n going, Shinsuke tried to stop Kurama, he nearly did after making a great jump to recover the ball, as he jumped a lot of energy was released, to which many congratulated the boy, training continued.

They had the rest of the day off: Hamano and Hayami decided to go dishing, they usually went there to clear their mind.

"I do want to play freely, it's just, I'm scared." He confessed to the boy wearing googles, who nod in understanding, pulling the other close to his side.

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