Chapter 8: Yuichi

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-Third's PoV-
The goalkeeper didn't know how to react: shocked faces, tense atmosphere, a cheering public, two over enthusiastic first years hugging each other, a smiling Shindou and a very pissed of Tsurugi. That would be a very good summary of the situation; the three players of Raimon went back to their positions.
"Listen closely, we are going to win!" Takuto yelled.
"He can't be serious!" Raimon's players shouted, but he had already score, surely that meant something. It was right then, as the mood changed to worse for Raimon's goalkeeper: "Taichi, go and protect the goal!" His mother, she came to see the match, she was cheering for a lost cause, or so her son thought.
"Okay, if they get serious, we will get serious too!" A Tengawara player said smirking. They got the ball, rough plays were done, first it was Shindou, then Shinsuke, at last Tenma as Raven Wings Corvus was released, he shot.
Sangoku didn't want to fail, he didn't but... he let it pass either way.
"Taichi!" His mother yelled from the distance, he felt even worse with himself; it was then when the whistle blew, it was the end of the first half. The general mood was sorrow.
"Come on guys it's just a goal! We can...!" Tenma's speech was cut of by Tsurugi who was sitting on the bench, a smirk in his face, he wanted to crush those words the brunet was about to say.
"We can win, you were about to say." He stood up and eyed the midfielder with burning eyes. "Do you truly believe that? Ayabusa it's just like me: a Seed; and he can control his Keshin." He eyed Shindou, who turned his head. "Unlike you, captain. Do you believe you can win?" Murmurs broke, they couldn't, they didn't stand a chance. "You finally get it, Raimon's destiny has been decided!"

He laughed, it sent shivers down Tenma's spine, it wasn't Tsurugi, but Jack, the one who would always laugh at him; yet, he remained strong, he had to be!
"That is not for anyone to decide, but for the Goddess of victory!" Endow said while pointing at the ceiling of the room, were Romanian gods were drawn. He placed himself in front of the troubled goalkeeper. "Sangoku!" He received a quiete 'Yes?' as an answer. "You were told to let the ball pass, yet you moved in order to block it." The third year didn't know what to say, he just stuttered incoherent words. "Because those are the instincts of a soccer player." Endou passed him. "Trying to defend, in order to keep the opponent at bay; trying to dribble up the field, to pass the defence; trying to make the best shoot to score a goal and, most important of all: try to win." Endou stood next to the door and eyed very one on the eye before asking the next question. "Is the soccer you see today the one you want to play? What is your soccer?" Those words made them think, even Tsurugi gave them a though; that man had power.

The whistle blew, Hamano passed the ball to Tenma, who passed it over to Shinsuke. That carefully aimed pass made Sangoku recall.

-Sangoku's PoV-
I love soccer, I always have, I remember when I enjoyed it with my friends back in primary school. Mum came to cheer for my team, each time she came we won. How could I forget those feelings? How could I ditched them? Soccer was all I though about, and playing it freely was the best feeling ever, specially when I had so much fun.
I saw as Ayabusa got the ball, he had shot without a Keshin, all I thought was to protect the ball with all my might, I wanted to follow Tenma, Shinsuke and Shindou. I had to give my own thanks to that brunet, he made me open my eyes to te reality I was living in: I didn't want to play with orders, I want to see the goddess of victory smile directly at us.
"Sangoku-san/sempai!" I heard the two first years and my captain yell, yes I got the ball, I would make sure no more shots entered.
"Don't hold back! I will make sure to gather the goal, let's win the match!" Shindou nod with tiny tears on his eyes, I sent the sphere his way; Tenma dribbled up with his Soyokaze Step, he gave it to Takuto. God's Baton guided Shinsuke and Tenma, then the sphere was passed to Shindou again. He threw the ball high, to make a pass to Shinsuke.
"Nice pass, captain!" The tiny one congratulated the older; I had missed God's Baton a lot, it meant Shindou was enjoying the game.
"A-a pass?" Yes, a pass, that is how Shindou Takuto moves and plays, better get used to it. Yet, Ayabusa stole the ball, he pushed Tenma aside and performed Falco Wings.

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