Chapter 16: Mother Tenma

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-Third's PoV.-

"Kirino, you will be sitting." Endou decided. "We will be playing with only 10 members in the field." That was a shock to everyone, how could he say that? Didn't he notice how much they were struggling? Was he blind? Nonetheless, they did as they were told.

And so, second half started. Just then, three cyclones formed. Kariya was quick enough last time the same patron appeared, he had memorised their movements. he cut the ball with 'haunter's net!' he passed the sphere over to Shinsuke who jumped as high as he could to maintain the ball under his feet, then, as another player tried to steal it, he passed it to Amano who sent it to Kariya. He ran forward and let Tenma take control of the attack.

Just then, a gigantic tornado stood on the way. 'Spiral Screw!' Tenma shouted. 'What the heck have you done? Do you want to die so bad you enter a cyclone?' Jack asked the brunet. Though, the wind on his ears was loud enough to make Jack sound far, very far.

"GUYS, THE TORNADO IS OUR ELEVENTH PLAYER." He yelled from the inside of the wind. Now, that made sense to most of them. As the tornado guided Tenma to the goal, it faded. He passed it to Kurama, who made 'Sidewinder!' Tenma knew that the snake would be stopped without trouble, so he stood behind it and performed 'Match Wind!' Gigantes could not deal with such force, it entered, 1-1.

It was then when Raimon's spirit went downhill.

"See? We don't need him!" Kariya motioned to Kirino. Tenma was furious, very furious. Why wouldn't the first year shut up for once?

"No one can decide who is necessary or not, Kariya, if you keep behaving like this not only I will be ashamed of you, but soccer will be lonely." It was as they shot the ball that they performed a certain hitsasu technique, four players disposed themselves on a diamond shape, as they run, they changed into a straight line modifying their speed. They were so fast Sangoku could not react.
2-1, poor Raimon.

From the bench, Kirino realised that the only one capable of breaking through that attacking method was Kariya and so, he told this to their coach who let him enter the pitch soon after to inform of his discovery to his teammates. Now, understanding the decision of benching him.

"Stop putting so much pressure on me! I'm human too!" Kariya moaned in disagreement.
Soon after, he found himself dribbling pass number three and five, easily breaking the formation and passing the ball to Tenma as if it was nothing.
The midfielder was so focused on the game that there was no need to summon Demon, he appeared right from his back and he shoot the ball normally.
Gigantes tried with all his might to stop it from entering the net, yet, the keshin's shot was unstoppable. They were now 2-2.

"How is this even possible? H-how could they break our defence that quick? Where does that player even come from?" One member of the other team questioned himself outloud pointing to Kariya with despair.
It was clear that the second goal made their competitive spirit go downhill. The melancholic ambience made Minamisawa stood up for his team, there was no way they would fail, at least, they would have to do their best to win. This was the famous Raimon spirit and he would not loose agains it.
He stole the ball, he protected it with his body every time he could to prevent Raimon from having the sphere.

His feelings were a call to the rest of the team. One by one, the pleyers refovered their passion for football, the game turned out to be fun. Both teams trying their best to score the last goal.
Sadly for Minamisawa, in a blink Tsurugi stood before the goalmouth, Lancelot covering his back, about to perform "Death Angel". Gigantes was no match, it hit the net, meaning 2-3 for Raimon.

Minamisawa was so thankful to hus teammates that they did not mind they had lost: they had played the true football, they were united once again, they felt happy, as if the victory was theirs.
"Matsukaze, no, Tenma, keep all your hard work up. You are the one who brought us real soccer back, keep growing in Raimon." Minamisawa told the brunet with a happy grin on his face. The midfielder made sure to correspond the smile.
"You can count on it!" He replied with his childlike personality.

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