Chapter 6: Tears

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-Tenma's PoV-
      "Just go for God's sake, leave me alone!" He yelled at me, I saw as he took the pill, he seemed somewhat confused after, as if he didn't know why was I there on the first place, but he didn't ask.
"Okay, sorry, I'll go; I am deeply sorry I have entered without your consent." I was turning to leave when I felt him catch   my wrist, it hurt, so very damn much, bu I didn't let my pain show. I ignored his action, intead I kept on talking.
"I want one last thing." He recovered his posture, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Heh, telling me what to do again? Could you just leave me alone?" He asked me, he was furious, maybe asking himself why did he let me in, I felt my smile flattening.
"I want to see your thechniques, can I call Shinsuke? He loved last year's match, je loved your plays in particular! It is just a shot, come on, then I'll leave, I promise!" I answered back, that seemed to work, he seemed to smle at the thought of me leaving him on his own, wich, I understand he needs and loves that idea; I totally understand. I really do, after all, I am insuferable, that I have been tpld enough times to understand.

-Thrids PoV-
      Some kind offorce was indeed telling Takuto, ordering him to go show the brunet his techniques somehow he felt a strong push to complying the other boy's wishes, yet, Shindou felt as something important had happened before he took the pill, somethig seemed to be wrong with the other boy on his room.
"Okay, but don't you dare come back here!" Tenma's smile came back, at nearly full force and for that, the captain felt relieved, even if he wasn't sure why was he feeling that way towards the younger boy.
"Then, can I call Shinsuke?" The first year aked, he received a nod, he smiled again and picked up the forgotten ball from the floor and motiones Shindou to follow him once he had changed. They found themselves running toards the Riverbank, after playing a little one versus one between each other, until the little one arrived. Suddenly, Fortissimo hit the net, marveling the two first years.
"Thank you so muh, captain, that is quite an amazing shot!" Shinsuke congratulated his captain, he really was astonished by the force of the shot. "With that shot we can win!" He beamed, that seemed not to be the best sntence to say as Takuto's eyes stared at the short boy.
"No, we are not going to win, soccer has changed, you two incredolous and stupid players!" Shindou yelled back at them. On the brunet's head that statement made no sense.
"Soccer is crying, he wants you to enjoy it as well, captain!" Again that sentence the other hated.
"Soccer is not a friend, stop with the stupidity of treating it as if it ws a human being, you... you!" He tried to insult teh other, but nthing came of his sudenly shut lips, Tenma had a ball between his hands, whch the captain stole with a hit of his kneee, hurting Tenma's wrists in the process. "Try to steal the ball from me if you dare, protect your all so dear game!" Wich he did, Tenma prepared himself to do a thecnique he learnt years ago.
"I will become real soccer!" That confused the former player. "Soyokaze Step!" Tenma performed his dribble and passed his teammate with the ball on his possession. Shinsuke quiclky came to congratulate his friend bu hugging him.
"Congratulations, Tenma, that was wiked!" Tenma smiled at his pikachu friend.
"Now, with some more training you will have your own!" He told him back.

-Shindou's PoV-
      I saw as they both beamed happily, it made me realised, I was going to make a terrible move, resigning all those feelings soccer bilt up in me. I cried, how could I give Endo that letter? I dodn't want to foget my time as captain, I wanted to fight!
"I... you are working so hard, Shinsuke and Tenma... and... I just can't! I paralysed when I saw everyone was leaving, I don't deserve to be Raimon's captain!" I started sobbing, I heard a voice behind me.
"That is not true, those tears you cry are what a captain requires to guide his team." A smiling Endou told me, I felt it was the right moment to confess: I wanted to fight, I didn't like this soccer, it hurt me, he put his hands on my shoulders, as to keep me staring into his eyes.
"I... I want to play soccer with you as my coach, Endou-san. I want to win the matches!" That seemed to make him happy, as if he was execting that answer from te start.
"But of course! We will reach the top together! And, we don't need this anymore!" He took y letter from hus pocket and broke it, it was never opened in the first place, I stared in shock, he knew something like this would happen, he knew that boy would make his way into my mind and help be back.
"Yes, we get to play with captain aiming for victory!" Tenma made me chuckle as he rise his punch on the air.
"We will wing Holly Road at all cost!" Shinsuke replied repeating the other's action. I focused on the smile Tenma had, I found my anwer to 'Why did I let that boy enter?' Even if the memory was foggy because of the pill, I reached a conclussion: I wanted to see that bright smile of his.

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