Chapter 3: Try-outs

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-Third's PoV-
Takuto's eyes had the same glint they had the previous day, in fact, it grew as Tenma got the ball and sent a precise pass to Shinsuke, a big grin on his face as the little one started dribbling. When the brunet received a pass from the tiny player, the captain moved, he pushed Tenma aside with his shoulder, cold eyes fixed on metallic ones as the sphere was passed to Kurama.
A strange girl with orange hair and blue ribbon shouted from the bench for the brunet to get up, which he did. Quickly, he got the ball and shot, a normal simple shot, he scored. Sangoku wasn't expecting him to score. "Nice shot!" He encouraged the brunet with a thumbs up, he kicked the ball up to Kirino who had it stolen by Tenma. Shindou started getting tired of his plays, ball going from the brunet's feet to Shinsuke's; his rough plays were earning some glares from the elder teammates, he did't notice the smiles of the other's faces when they played against Tenma and Shinsuke, it was like playing football freely again; they were enjoying the game for the first time in a while.
There where three other players, who envy the level the brunet and the blue banded player had; and decided to play only in between them. Once they saw the opportunity to hit the eight number with the sphere, they did.

-Tenma's PoV-
I didn't expect the ball to hit me, my eyes focused on my arm, it hurt, it hit recent cuts. I couldn't stop moving, I needed to enter Raimon, it was my dream and in no way I was going home without a new uniform on. Goenji would be disappointed if I do not enter, it is my dream and before me there was the key to it: a ball; my dream was a meter away from me; I did not stop running until the ball hit the net. My sleeves had rolled up a bit, I pushed them down as a smiley Shinsuke jumped onto my back and applauded me. Shindou's plays were rougher after that, each time he had the ball he would kick it to my direction. I started feeling lightheaded; I knew he was talking but I couldn't understand anything. He shot at me, dancing points of light started covering my vision. I don't know how I did it; I was in ball possession. I swung on my feet. I could no longer maintain myself. I embraced the hard pitch.
I heard as Kudou started shouting, a small hand was shaking my shoulder, someone was aiding me back up saying "Easy there, new one!"
"The ones that will take part in Raimon's team are: Shinsuke Nishizono and Tenma Matsukaze. The rest of you, go before I call your parents." It was hard to breath but i managed to relax and hugged Nishizono. I had made it! After all I was in Raimon, I am a player of Raimon.

-Third's PoV-
Kudou gave them their new uniforms, those two were going to make Raimon win, he knew that, with those two Raimon would become the Raimon he misses. He noticed Tenma liked long sleeves, Tenma smiled at the adult as he took his new uniform.
The three murmured to the selves how they weren't on the team as Raimon was missing quite a few players.
From the distance, Tenma saw as Tsurugi , who was sitting on the stairs, told the second years something. That very little conversation made te players turn their back to the pitch, they seemed mad, fuming at Tsurugi.
"Tomorrow we will have some practice." Kudou said after some seconds. "We will have a match against Eito Gakuen on Saturday." He informed, the two first years really seem to be like him, so exited about the outcome, the same smile, showing their enthusiasm; he missed those faces in this period he has been Raimon's coach.
No one realised as Tsurugi had descend from the stairs. "If I were you, I wouldn't spend much time training; after all the score order is 2-0. Raimon looses." He had his characteristic smirk on. He left, Shinsuke's eyes widened, was there really an order? Were matches decided before playing them?
On a side of the pitch, Kirino was supporting Takuto, small tears rolling down his face, that boy was going to end them, he was going to be the cause of Raimon's closure, for sure.
Tenma went to te changing room right after his teammates left, a smile from ear to ear. Finally he was on the same team as Gouenji had once been! His mind travelled back at the score order, he knew some games appear to be forces but he knew nothing of the extent of Fifth Sector's power, he had underestimated them.

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