Chapter 13: Paying

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-Third's PoV-

     "One more time!" He yelled. Tenma managed to get the ball back, he passed it to Hamano; it was the start of a new 'Ultimate Thunder' but, as the previous one, it did't blew off the defence; by now, trusting issues came to sight: 'Is he slipping up on purpose?' Kurama asked, to which many agreed, except Tenma, who saw the distress on the other's eyes. Kirino performed 'The mist' and passed the ball directly to the striker, yet, he wasn't paying attention.

"TSURUGI!" Tenma shouted, it was too late to even react, the ball was stolen by Teikoku. Tenma went straight for it trying to gain control over the sphere with despererate movements as he tried to talk to his teammate, even if he hit the floor each time. "Stop this behaviour, Tsurugi, you are making soccer cry!" Finally, the words reached the blue-haired-boy' heart. He had focused on his brother's tears, not his smiles. Those tears were breaking him. With new found force and the ball Tenma stole, Tsurugi yelled "ULTIMATE THUNDER!" This time, it blew the defence off, the wave was powerful; Tenma received the ball and performed "Match wind!" It was his first shot, he knew loads more thanks to his practice with Gouenji; he scored.

Black Wings Raven appeared, yet Instrumentalist Maestro pushed through, Takuto was impressed at the sudden energy he felt, as if a wind was making him stronger. Ultimate Thunder was successful again.

Tenma went straight to the goal, performing 'Soyokaze step!' , then, Tsurugi made another goal, one of his famous shots, level two. They made a high five after that, our brunet slightly tired. Teikoku was so pissed they didn't realised Shindou had run all the way up from the center of the pitch, he made a pass to Shinsuke, with 'Full Trodell Jump!' It hit the net as the whistle blew: 2-3 for Raimon. Tenma hugged Shinsuke as they jumped, overjoyed. Tenma motioned Tsurugi to join them in the hug, he refused. On one of the jumps, Tenma's ankle started to ache a lot, it refused to move, nonetheless, he didn't let it show.

The four players reunited next to the goal caught Kidou's watchful eyes, he finally knew where his Seeds were, who they were, now, he only needed to wait to tell his discovery to Endou, before the man reached to his own wrong assumptions, which was meant to happen, he awaited the man. 

     Yuichi and Kyousuke were talking to each other about the impressive match.

"You won, I am so proud of you, Kyousuke!" Suddenly, Fuyupe entered, a giant smile on her face, she was very happy indeed.

"Yuichi, someone has donated enough money to pay for your operation!" They believed it was a joke, a very bad joke. Yuichi eyed his brother, who was in the same state as himself.

"Who gave the money?" Fuyupe, smiled. 

"Someone going by Matsukaze T., it isn't really that hard to guess." She smiled at them, a huge grin on her face; that left the two brothers thinking; they reached the same answer after mere seconds of thinking: Tenma. "We will talk about a date for your surgery, Yuichi." With that, she left the two brothers alone, on their own. Kyousuke could do nothing else but hug his older brother and cry on his shoulder. He had hurt that boy so much and, thanks to him, he could leave Fifth Sector once and for all; he hugged him close.

"You should talk to him, Kyousuke, do it for me. I can't show him my gratitude for now, I am not able to leave the hospital." Just then, Fuyupe had returned, apparently, she heard Yuichi's whishes. 

"You see, just for now, you will leave but come back before eight PM, okay? And take care, Tsurugi oh! Give this to Tenma." She gave them a bandage, the brotheers stared at it. "I saw the game," she told them. "I now he was hurt during the second half... usually he comes to me but as he has not... just give him this and tell him to come to me if necessary. Tell him he has someone to turn to if required." Her eyes were sad as she made that statement, the brothers shared a look between them, Kyousuke had seen the boy limping away; he had not payed attention to it either way. Kyousuke bit his lip and nod, a worry glint on his eyes. Yuichi had a carbon copy of his brother's look, he had a shirt, trousers and shoes. he had no idea were Tenma was, somewhere, that he knew. With help, both were walking towards the Riverbank. They found the boy they had been looking for, staring at the sky, as if nothing else mattered in that moment. Just focused  on the stars and the blackness above him; he sigh and had a dog at his side, licking his hand. In exchage, the boy patted the dog's head, it was rather old.

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