Chapter 10: Nursing

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 -Third's PoV-

     The other captain was furious, they decided they would go for the brunet, they would break him, totally break him. It was Raimon's turn to attack, Tenma received the ball, but a striker from the other team made a slide, punching Tenma with the border of his elbow on the middle of his back. That movements caught Takuto's eyes, which widened in shock, they were aiming for them, they wanted to hurt them.

"Tenma, he did that on purpose!" Takuto advised the brunet, who was still on his feet  after the rough play, it was a mystery how the referee didn't do anything. When he yelled that, Tenma wasn't able to hear, too  focused on the pain, it was an aching area, he had been punched there a lot of times over the years, making it very sensitive to the touch. 

"Someone like you shouldn't be playing soccer!" The next slide was accurate, Tenma really thought it would be his end, he was hurting from his back, there wouldn't be a chance for him to be okay if that slide collide with his foot; Tsurugi saw the play and pushed the brunet aside, his eyes looking murderous, he managed to push Tenma to the floor, no one heard how Tenma's foot did make a small crack, but it could have been worse. He was left on the floor, heavily breathing, trying not to think on his worsening state and trying to return to his feet.

"You bastard! Did you say that for real?" Tsurugi demanded, roaring as Tenma put a hand covering his mouth as a wave of nausea hit him. The captain he was talking to nod, that was all it took for him to sprint towards the goal. death sword was made from quite a distance, but, nonetheless it wasn't stopped. It was the very first goal Tsurugi had made for Raimon; It was then when the first half had ended, with Tenma still on the floor, though, with the shock of his teammates, he could gain his balance again and, slowly, walk to the bench.

"Thanks, Tsurugi!" He gave off the best grin he could master at the moment, which left the other boy with a sour taste. How could he smile like that when it was obvious he was limping? But again, he travelled to the day he had first faced that boy, that boy who battled with all he had to face him all by himself, for his teammates not to get hurt, even if he hadn't known them before, he was new and he fought against him, he had courage, silly courage in Tsurugi's mind, but courage.

-Tsurugi's PoV-

     I remembered my brother, I didn't want this boy to experience the same thing; I exploded on the second slide, I knew he was hurt, I just knew his body wasn't responding as well as he could have liked, therefore I couldn't stand what they were about to do to him. I just had to control his tempo, I pushed him aside. I noticed how it took some time for him to get on his feet again, the time I required to do a shot and score, I stood against their orders, that I realised right after the whistle blew indicating my goal; I had ruined Yuichi's possibility of using his legs again for that boy to keep playing. My mind was a total mess. 

I noticed his limping form when I turned around, just like at anytime, he overpowered his pain with that smile of his, directed at me, he thanked me and... I felt something inside, something warming me up, I don't know what it was... I wanted to feel it again. 

"We won't be interfering in the match if you keep this act up, Shindou!" That black haired boy told shitty captain, I didn't bother to pay any attention to them, I already knew the result: they will be staying at the sides of the pitch as lost puppies and will leave the fight for the keeper, the pikachu, captain, the pink and that boy, specially that boy. Were is he, by the way? I looked around while leaning on a wall, being covered by it's shadow. I noticed some movements on the right, he was sat on the floor, covered by the shade of the stadium, a first aid kit laid open before him, he was treating his toe. It looked red and was slightly swollen, how would he cope up with the second half? As if on queue, the whistle blew again; well, let's see, Matsukaze.

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