Chapter 5: Captain!

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-Third's PoV-
    Back in Raimon the brunet caught sight of Kudou, the coach smiled to the teen, he ran towards the coach, totally out of breath, he was on the verge of tears.
"Sorry coach, if it wasn't for me this would have never happened." Tenma chocked out between sobs.
"Boy, this had to happen. Don't worry, and most of all, don't lose that spirit of yours, Tenma. Things will get hard and you have to stay strong. Keep on going, Matsukaze." He told the brunet before turning away. Apparently, every single adult he had to meet would turn their back to him, except Aki, but Aki was special, unique. The midfielder decided it was best to walk for a bit, he ended up at his favourite part of the town: the riverbank.
He loved the sound of the river, the soft grass under his palms when he sat down... internally he found peace on that place. Exactly what he needed.
He shouldn't have made that pass to Shindou, he should have stayed still or show off his skills, now Kudou was fired because of him... now who would teach him how amazing soccer is when being played with friends? No one, and he was the cause of that.
He absently scratched his wrists, wounds being reopened by the action, they started to bleed. His bandages were soaking on red ink; he didn't care at all, he stuffed his hands on his pockets and walked home. Metallic eyes now puffy, but the fact barely noticeable, he felt impotent, he felt as if a massive punch had hit him on the chest.
Aki had gone out to do some grocery shopping, or so the note she left read. Sasuke noticed his master had being crying and he licked his check to try and cheer him up.
He didn't have much of an appetite so he just went out again, this time with the dog by his side and chill out by listening to the waves of the over while Sasuke entertained himself by barking at a rat. He needed to shut Jack, it hurt to listen to him telling the brunet he was a burden or to hurt himself. He reached the pitch and laid on the middle of it.

-Tenma's PoV-
    I sigh as more tears rolled down, I felt so lost. Gouenji couldn't come today, he said he had an important issue to deal with, he surely didn't want to spend his precious time with someone like me. I heard as someone ran towards me, it all went black as my head started hurting, damn blood loss. I managed to clear off my sight by shaking my head.
It was then when I noticed I was on someone's arms once again. I turned to see brown concerned eyes. I felt weak, very weak, that shaking took the left energy I had on my body. Gouenji reached for my head and patted it as he delicately carried me home. I leaned into the worked out chest once I realised Sasuke was trotting beside us.
"I am very sorry, Tenma." I heard Gouenji mumbled, suddenly, I was placed on a soft surface and was covered by some covers, I drifted off to sleep.

-Gouenji's PoV-
    I was heading to my office on the Fift Sector, there was a base on the town, where I did most of my work from. I was on a tracksuit, a grey one, I wore glasses and a hat, so I am not easily recognised. I had to meet with Tenma-kun today, but I needed to make Endou Raimon's coach, it was a hard task, specially when that man is staring into my back, making sure my depictions are questioned, but, once he approves, they get into action; it was a tedious process.
It was late, not dark though, when I head some sobs. It... broke my heart because I knew all to well where they came from, who made those sounds. I located my boy on the riverbank. His sleeves, I quickly noticed, had black stains on them and they looked recent. I ran towards him, my heart was bumping faster by the second, I... I felt useless, tears tried to make the way out of my eyes, but I had to stay still, for him not to carry any more burdens at his heart, he had enough with Raimon.
I then notice he was driving into unconsciousness, but he master to pul himself out of it, for the tenth time of my live since I took Tenma under my wing, I desperately wished I was just "Gouenji". I knew exactly what was going on in that mind of his yet, all I could do was carry him back home and give him the touch he clearly longed for.
"I am very sorry, Tenma." I whispered into his ears once we reached his bedroom and he was safely tugged in bed.

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