Chapter 15: Masks

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-Third's PoV.-

"Would you like to join any club?" Shinsuke asked him right after the classes had ended. Karina seemed to think for a couple of minutes before answering.

"Yeah, I would like to join the soccer club." He had a lovable smile on his face, a tiny real one.

"Then, we shall go together!" Tenma exclaimed. As both of them turned their back at the new classmate, Karina smirked. He had to take care around Tenma, but Shinsuke has fallen for his lie. just then, in the silence of the class, the new one felt the cool whisper of someones' voice on his ear.

"Masks fail a some point, Kariya Masaki. Remember my words before you break." As soon as the soft voice shut, he opened his eyes and looked around. No one was there. Could that have been his imagination? He decided he was not that crazy yet, he set his hands on his neck and sighted. He managed to reach the other two players, who, as promised, showed him the way to the club.

"Oh! A new fellow that wants to join us!" The coach smiled at the new student. The blue haired boy seemed to be happy too, but internally he hated to be around people like Endou. So much stupid positivity for his liking.

"Doesn't he has to do the try-outs?" Amano  asked raising his hand. Oh, yeah, Tenma has totally forgotten Kariya needed to go through those. How could he have forgotten about something as important as that?

"Kariya, tell me, do you like soccer?" Endou asked seriously standing crossed-armed. 

-Kariya's poV.- 

      What am I supposed to answer? I really don't care if I play or not, I just came because he told me to. I don't want to be here and no, I don't like it as much as I used to. However, what I used to do wasn't playing football, it was handing around with a ball. of course, until I met coach. I just need to keep the act up.

Do I... have I forgotten how to enjoy it? I used to be myself while playing, there was no need to be someone else or appear what i was clearly not. Maybe I can be me again. Slowly at least, bit by bit.

I nod.

-Third's PoV.-

"Okay, you are in!" Comments about the tryouts were made, of course they would be so easy! Endou hasn't changed a bit, and, knowing how much of a soccer freak he was, such a stupid question would be enough for a new player to enter if answered truthfully. 

      Practice started soon after, groups of two versus two. Two defenders and two strikers: Tenma and Shindou versus Kariya and Kirino. Defence was horrible. It was the brunet who was in possession of the ball, yet, Kariya decided the best defence was an attack and hit him with his left shoulder; an evil smile on his face. It was gone in a blink: Tenma was unmoving.

The landing had been terrible, suddenly, now a know figure appeared from behind the boy, this been the defender.

"You. Dare. Hurt. Master." Pegasus  used his force to lift Kariya from the ground. His eyes widened, his legs were shaking, his lips were trembling as he tried to push the enormous hand away.

"I-I did nothing, I swear!" He yelled, his eyes focused on the blue ones of the keshin.

Out of nowhere, a voice spoke up. "Shut up, Pegasus, return." Tenma ordered calmly as he raised himself from the ground. This time, Pegasus didn't put up any resistance. Kariya hit the ground hard. "Need a hand?" Tenma asked, Kariya took it, turning his head to the side of the pitch.

"Hey, Endou!" Someone called. Eyeing the whole scene awash a man, tall, long hair put into a half ponytail, dark green glasses covered his red eyes.

"Kidou!" Endou waved, followed by a very smiling Haruna.

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