Chapter 1: Encounters

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-Tenma's PoV-
    It is my very first day of school; what will happen today? That is the question. Long time ago, I asked myself that very question, in a more happy voice, really expecting something big as it was an important date; nothing to do with my actual moood.
It was currently early, class was starting at eight o'clock at my new high school: Raimon high. Back when I was a careless child I had no idea of what "Raimon" was, that was until Gouenji saved my life from big planks of wood, when I was around four or five. I tried to safe my dog: Sasuke and I got saved instead. Live became harass with me as time passed.
Sasuke seemed to have realised I was deep in thought as he barked at me and licked my cheek, it somehow was humid. I didn't know I was crying. I shook my head to focus on my new-already-ironed-by-Aki uniform. It's thunder amazed me for a second, I was finally going to follow my dream; Gouenji had used a ball with that same logo drawn to rescue me, from then on, I wanted to become as good as him. With new found forces I got out of bed and started with my morning routine.

"Morning, Tenma, you look good on your new uniform!" I made sure my arms did't show off while she was inspecting me, a motherly look in her eyes, smile plastered on her face, phone in hand to send some pictures to my parents. She motioned me to sit down and dig in my pancakes. An orange juice filled glass was beside me, a cup of coffee in front of it. "Your father has answered, he sends you his regards and tells you to be careful on your way to school and enjoy your day, as well to pay attention to classes, your mother has not answered as she is at an important meeting." I nod, mouth full. My parents were rather busy, it was highly unusual for them to answer messages straightaway. I finished eating, Ι kissed Aki's cheek; I got my things and, as my chest hurt from a bad feeling, I headed to school, usual happy-go-lucky smile on my face; I had no intentions for them to know who I really was.

I wanted to start playing for them as soon as possible, Gouenji had played for Raimon and has helped me become a better player, hopefully enough for me to enter the team. He has reassured me that my level was beyond what I gave it credit for, yet I am quite insecure even if my appearance says other wise.

-Third PoV-
    Finally, he was in front of the impressive building, big logo indicating he has reached his destination. Cherry blossom trees made a path to the front building, on the left there was another building, nearly as big as the main one, though it has a resemblance of a football ball. He had a look around, not only to get familiarised with his new surroundings and, most important, to know where the football club was. He saw a kind of hut on the distance, a piece of wood read: Football club. Surely that couldn't be the place, yet the signal was clear...
"Hey, are you lost, my dear?" Tenma turned around, a woman, around her twenty's she wore black trousers, Chinese's cut, white jacket on and red glasses supporting her bangs.
"Hi, Madame, may you help me? is this the soccer club?" He politely asked.
"Oh, a new one! My name is Otonashi Haruna, the soccer club's tutor! Follow me, this used to be the football club, yes, but that was some time ago, we keep it out of nostalgia. There is another one." She explained while guiding the brunet. "This is the soccer building."

-Tenma's PoV-
    She showed me the ball-shaped building, I feel my mouth open, I couldn't control it. I was speechless, she giggled at my antics, it was then when I gained control over my mouth and closed it, I didn't want flies to enter my throat, thank you.
"Can we see the training?" I wanted to see them in action, I have overheard someone discussing about how the training started before classes, they should be playing now.
"Of course! I see no problem with that, they should have started." I followed suit, she was telling me that there was a second pitch, it was indoors. Suddenly, her eyes widened, I stopped in my tracks, why was that look in her eyes? I followed her eyesight, it was truly horrible. What I though was the second team was laid on the floor, must covering their white and yellow uniforms. No one had the force to stand up and face the ball, as it was the sphere that has caused the damage. Students that passed stopped to stare. I noticed that miss Otonashi wasn't by my side anymore, she was down, helping the players stand up. As I went down stairs, I tried to localise who was the one who shot the ball at Raimon's second team. A boy: blue navy hair, red shirt, violet trousers with chains hanging from his pocket, violet short cloak, white trainers and hazel cat shaped eyes. He was pail. He moved his cloak aside I noticed two wristbands, one on each wrist. I stared into his eyes, they told me his intention was not hurting the team, someone must have forced him into this.They were full of endless pain and inner suffering, mine looked so much alike, I stepped in front of him, not knowing why I was doing that exactly, I feel the need to protect what has been with me forever, that being soccer.

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