Chapter 4- The Fight and The Call

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Ciel's POV

I don't know what the hell was happening but before I could ask they were off. Only minutes ago I was dragged outside to be seated next to two other inmates and some random guard who appeared to be asleep. The one inmate had some weird paper over his face and seemed to have everything in pale or light aqua blue, he also had some square sharp red swirls on his cheeks. The number 0558 on his silver plack. The other was dressed in red and had long black hair tied in a thin bread that split mid way down to his lower back. He was actually quite pale and had sharp magenta eyes that were outline with some sort of pink make up that seemed to also be used in drawing the 3 dots going down his forehead. The number on his plack being 0502.

They both didn't look surprised to see the two of them circling each other.

"Look at that. The feline and monkey are at it again.." The paper faced one said, sounding bored but at the same time interested.

"Don't know why they keep going at it. She's a demon and she always wins" the one in red pointed out

And I agreed. This was pointless. So why do it in the first place... AND WHY WAS I EVEN HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!? I shook my head and decided to enjoy the show only to see she was gone when I looked up.

"You sure are one to talk Liang.." a whisper stated causing me to turn my head back to the two inmates.

The one in red had a light blush on his face as she appeared behind him. He went to turn around only for her to grab his shoulders and turn him back before jumping into the air and land on some mist that flowed at the same height as me. Huh? She giggled hearing the growl of the monkey behind her. But Liang didn't pay attention to any of that and seemed to get quite flustered.

"Oh come on! Don't do that!" he yelled, while the small one beside him cracked a small smirk.

"She got you again. Say (Y/n), what brings you by today?" he asked, turning to her while she only shrugged looking over to me with a grin as Samon came barreling in.

"Ask him. I have some business to attend to.." she stated, hopping from the spot of mist only to land on another that was nearer to the ground. "Ain't that right little monkey!"

An irk appeared at the corner of his forehead as he gritted his teeth.

"Call me that again! I dare you!" he shouted, tightening up his fists.

"Little monkey.." she smirked slyly, the mist fully disappearing from under her and letting her drop to the ground with no sound.

"And the fun begins" the small one said, now full on smirking at the way you dodged all of the monkey's advances.

"Don't rout her on this time, Upa!" Liang stated, crossing his arms.

"No promises.."

(Y/n)'s POV

You couldn't help the thrill that came pumping into your blood stream. You loved fighting. That went without saying since you were one of the 7 generals. You were born to do it. Yet, with your masters being all secretive and locked up and all that pink and glitter stuff they didn't call upon your skills as a fighter very often.. almost never. So fighting Samon was the highlight of the year for you.

He threw punches left and right, a kick here and there, then a chop as the cherry on top. You dodged every single one of them with ease. But you still gave the man some credit since let's face it.. even if he couldn't beat Hajime he was really strong and pretty damn skilled. You couldn't wait to see the day he'd beat his brother in a fight, because you knew that one day, he'd be able to do it. For now however.. you'd tease him 'til his end in battle.

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