Chapter 11- Royal Blood Stains

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You sighed.. walking down the dark halls to the old arena. Today was his last day by what Greed told you. He'd decided to stay down on earth which didn't surprise you in the slightest. So you decided to watch his last day.

But when you opened the door to see Satan leaning on the wall at the side you froze momentarily before walking past with only a slight glance his way. Oh you knew he'd be giving you a talk. But you'd ignore him for now.. demon royalty or not.

"So.. happy to finally be going back down?" you asked, smiling at Musashi as he ran speed filled laps.

He nodded.. before suddenly stopping and swinging off over to Greed who only smirked. This made you happy.. for some reason. You didn't know why. Maybe it was because the relationship between the two was one a mentor should have with their pupil. Unlike your generation and the last. The day you went back to your old teacher would be the day hell froze over for good and you could drag his ass out ice skating to torture him with the cold.

You mentally smiled sweetly to the idea.

Actually, that sounded perfect. Maybe stab him with your skates a couple times... he'd probably be the first to attack anyways.

You shook your head of the pleasent thoughts before walking on over to the two.

Greed snuck a glance over to Satan who only had a smirk on his face due to the response you gave to his sudden presence.

"So... what's going to happen you think?" he asked,

You only shrugged..

"Eh.. he isn't happy. That's all I got. Now continue. I said I'd stay and watch your last day"

You watched. Sometimes joining into the training if asked. Musashi for some reason seemed to be in a rather good mood. Maybe excited to finally be done. Wouldn't blame the boy.

You grinned, fist pumping with Musashi after beating Greed in an obstacle race.

"Alright! That's it! Get over here, kitty!" he called, stomping his way on over before suddenly lifting you up and over his shoulder.

You laughed, not even bothering to try and run away. You were just glad Wrath wasn't here to be tossed over to.

"Now what should we do..?" Greed hummed, smirking to himself before looking over to a near by cracked -but still running- fountain. The water was murky with blood like most things in hell.

"Oh nonononono" you quickly mumbled, claws suddenly growing and hooking into his clothes and skin.

"Ow! Poisoness claws remember!" he yelled, dropping you and going to grab his shoulder while you landed with a light bounce like effect that let you jump back farther.

"Don't think so, Greed. Anything but water..." you grumbled as Musashi chuckled to himself.

"I have a feeling this mission of yours will never be completed, sir"

Greed looked up before sighing.

"And it also looks like Satan didn't want to be patient..."


You had went from the arena to an old bedroom in one dizzy dazed second. Satan's doing no dout. You looked around instantly reconising the bed and similar decor. Blue and gold clashed like flames for color. An old dest of gold and wood stood at the corner with old unsigned papers litering the top as a bunch of mostly unread books stacked up from the ground and higher than the desk itself at both sides. A used to be bright and lively place now gloomy and sad. It pained you to see the room again after so long ago.

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