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"Inmate 18! Get back here!" A certain someone yelled, already slowing down.

He was suddenly grabbed and pulled around the corner and into a playful kiss.

You chuckled, seeing the flustered demon.

"Having trouble with cell 13 again?" you asked, grinning teasingly.

Jyugo sighed

"Yes.. now I know how Hajime felt running after us all the time.." he grumbled, scratching the back of his head before looking up when he caught the scent of another guard. "Uno! Little help over here! Inmates 18, 34, and 87 are out again"

"And you can't keep up as usual.. You're still terrible at everything despite being back to your past self. And here I thought you'd become this super badass demon" Uno laughed,

You shook your head

"Actually he used to be worse then this. Wrath really shaped him up!" you continued to tease, "I'll go meet up with Hajime at the ending hall to block them off if you two don't catch them"

"Alright, fine.. good luck"


It's been a couple years since the entire incedent with Michael and Elf. Your siblings now free from the celestral war stayed down on Nanba to help out until called for little battles and disputes. This included you returning as well. As for the new generation of curses.. well they all became guards for Buidling 13 and worked under Hajime. The warden much to your amusement was actually Satan and Lucifer's sister. Momoko Hyakushiki. She was sent down to earth a coupld decades ago, but before that she used to serve as the one in charge for hells prison guards and inmates.

Which explained a lot.

Now for cell 13..

When the four became workers three new inmates came in. Two boys and one girl. All three were escape artists and plotted everyday. Messed around and you liked to consider them the new Nico, Uno, Rock, and Jyugo.

"(Y/n)! Can you try this for me!" Rock yelled, speed walking towards you.

Yep, Rock had become a chef in the kitchen much to your amusement once more.

"You do know I can't actually taste human food, right?" you asked, turning around to meet the sparkling plate of freshly baked bread.

"I do. This is a special recipee I made just for you since you still manage to save our asses from Hajime's rage" he chuckled sheepishly,

You gave a small shrug before taking an already sliced off piece and taking a bite only for your eyes to widen. You quickly ate it and took another causing Rock to laugh.

"Good, right!" he asked, excitedly.

You quickly nodded,

"Delicious! I've never tasted anything like this before... what'd you put in it?" you asked,

"I've been working on some powders and testing them on Jyugo to see if he could taste the actual human food. I guess it worked out well in the end" he said, happily.

"Definitely!" you agreed, going for another slice again before he just handed you the entire plate with the loaf.

"Just eat the rest. I've still got some work to do for tomorrow.." he mumbled to himself, in thought.


What was tomorrow?

"Hey! (Y/n)! What's your favorite color!?"

You turned around again to see Nico running happily towards you.

"Um.. Red.... or I guess (F/c) too." you replied, confused with the sudden question.

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